Greatest Metal Songs of All Time
Last week Vh1 aired their 40 Greatest Metal Songs of All Time
special. Some of the picks are leaving us scratching our heads instead
of banging our heads, so in an effort to understand how these lists are
brought about we asked our crew and our metal hearted brethren over at
antiMusic to come up with their lists of the Greatest Metal Songs of All
Time. Instead of one master list, we've been posting a few of the individual
lists each day that show not only different tastes of metal heads but Korn-free
lists that are made by people with a real love for metal not just industry
insiders. The result is the conclusion that metal means different
things to different people and that's what makes it the Greatest form of
music of all time!
Today we have lists from Mike Rapin and Jofo. Check back tomorrow
for the final staff list and a special guest list.
Mike Rapin

1. Mastodon - "Mother Puncher" -
The song is probably one fthe bands best only because it sounds so odd
for the band and encompases all that is good about metal.
2. Slayer - "Raining Blood" - Duh.
3. The Black Dahlia Murder - "Flies"
- - Damn good. Too good not to be mentioned.

"Hells Bells" AC/DC
Although "Let Me Put My Love Into You"
is my fave, this one is a classic that should be on any type of list that
aspires to classify metal songs.
"Gung- Ho", Anthrax
Making music like this back when aqua
net & eye liner was as important to most bands as guitar strings helped
many a real metal fan escape the mire that was hair metal.
"Iron Man", Black Sabbath
Or some other Sabbath biggie, this one
inspired many a modern shredder to start playing, I've heard.
"Last in Line", Dio
Or one of his others, he should be on
here too.
"Killers", Iron Maiden
or one of their others, but I like this
"Am I Evil", Metallica
I know it's a cover, but this is my fave
'Metallica' song. Too bad they suck so bad now, look how great they used
to be!
"Mechanix", Megadeth
The vastly superior version of the song
Metallica also released that year under a different name.
"Ritual" Meshuggah
I dunno if it'll become a classic or not,
but I jes love this song.
"Orgasmatron" Motorhead
not as famous as some of their others,
not as fast, even, but another one I like
"Crazy Train" Ozzy Osbourne
Possibly one of the most ripped off guitar
solos in all history.
"This Love" Pantera
what a song, what a band, what a tragic
"Walk in the Shadows" Queensryche
The original band from Seattle, before
it was trendy to be grungy
"Pigs in Zen" Jane's Addiction
From back in the old days
"Criminally Insane" Slayer
Or one of their other songs, but I like
this one with it's positive self- help message.
"Firewoman" The Cult
I dunno why I like this song so
"Black Metal" Venom
Cuz it was!
Previous Lists

Hensch (Thrashpit Editor)
Wiggins (antiMusic Editor)
Hensch (Thrashpit)