Greatest Metal Songs of All Time
This week Vh1 is airing their 40 Greatest Metal Songs of All Time
special. Some of the picks are leaving us scratching our heads instead
of banging our heads, so in an effort to understand how these lists are
brought about we asked our crew and our metal hearted brethren over at
antiMusic to come up with their lists of the Greatest Metal Songs of All
Time. Instead of one master list, this week we will be posting a few of
the individual lists each day that will show not only different tastes
of metal heads but Korn-free lists that are made by people with a real
love for metal not just industry insiders. The result is the conclusion
that metal means different things to different people and that's what makes
it the Greatest form of music of all time!
Today we have lists from Matt Hensch and GreenTillDeath. Check back
tomorrow for three new lists from the crew.
Matt Hensch

Iron Maiden's "The Trooper"- A heavy
metal classic. One of the best songs from one of the most inspiring bands.
Slayer's "Raining Blood"- The best
song off the one of the best thrash albums of all time.
Black Sabbath's "Hand Of Doom" -
Not only is it off one the best metal albums of all time, "Hand Of Doom"
help create both doom and stoner metal.
Megadeth's "Holy Wars......The Punishment
Due"- "Holy Wars" proved that Metallica wasn't the only band that could
bang heads.
Venom's "Black Metal"- Not only
a classic rocker, but this song created black metal in about 3 minutes.
Iron Maiden's "The Number Of The Beast"-
A well known track by everyone. "NOTB" gave metalheads a satanic and demonic
view of the world, which in turn inspired many, many bands.
Death's "Symbolic"- "Symbolic" was
not only Death's best album, but it proved death metal could be about poetry
instead of zombies and gore. A poetic Masterpiece.
Judas Priest's "Electric Eye"- A
fantastic song from a very well know group. Catchy and fast paced, "Electric
Eye" is Priest's work of perfection.
Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell"- Pantera's
breakthrough album featured this little rocker, which stated how brutal
groove could be.
At The Gates's "Blinded By Fear"-
"Blinded By Fear" was not only the shining star on "Slaughter Of The Soul,"
but it also introduced the world to the wave of metal: Gothenburg
Black Sabbath's "Paranoid"- The
most well known song by almost every metalhead.
Dream Theater's "A Change Of Seasons"-
A 24 minute masterpiece. Dream Theater not only showed who was in charge
of the prog metal field, they also made there mark of one the best metal
bands, all because of this song.

Iron Maiden - "Aces High"
ron Maiden - "Two Minutes To Midnight"
Motorhead - "Ace Of Spades"
Motorhead - "Eat The Rich"
Black Sabbath - "Warning" Too many
to pick from, but this one would work.
Black Sabbath - "Heaven And Hell"
from the Dio days.
Dio -"Rainbow In The Dark"
Dio - "Don't Talk To Strangers"
Tesla - "Modern Day Cowboy"
Telsa - "Yesterday Is Gone"
Ozzy Osbourne - Any song with the
mighty Randy Rhoads on guitar.
All my Judas Priest tapes wore out,
or I'd throw in some Priest.
Previous Lists

Hensch (Thrashpit Editor)
Wiggins (antiMusic Editor)