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Name Origins

The band members were big fans of The X-Files
and named the band after a character in the first season episode “Eve”.
The Eves were a group a clones who were genetically engineered to possess
superior intelligence etc, however a side effect was an aggravated level
of psychosis. The female clones were all named “Eve” after “Adam and Eve”
from the book of Genesis and given a number, e.g. Eve 1, Eve 2, etc. Eve
6 was one of the only remaining “Eves” in the episode and was portrayed
as the most psychotic of the bunch.

Five For Fighting
Submitted by: Sharon
Source: n/a
Name is from the major penalty given in
hockey for not playing well with others: that is, five minutes for

Fleetwood Mac
Peter Green formed Fleetwood Mac after
leaving John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers. At that time on the British
music scene Green was seen as a “Guitar God”, Green who hated that designation
wanted to downplay his role in the new group and named it after his favorite
rhythm section—drummer Mick Fleetwood and bass player John McVie.
Even after naming the group Fleetwood Mac it took some convincing to get
John McVie to join because he didn’t want to leave the “steady paying gig”
with the Bluesbreakers. But once John Mayall diverted a bit too much from
the pure blues by including horns in the group, McVie left them and joined
Fleetwood Mac.

Foo Fighters
“Foo Fighters” was a nickname that Allied
forces gave to basketball sized unidentified glowing spheres they used
to see floating in the air over the battlefields during WWII. Both sides
thought the globes came from the other side and were some sort of spy device.
UFO researchers consider the globes to be of extra terrestrial origin as
many “abductees” have reported seeing similar objects.

Submitted by: Chris
Source: Guitar World magazine, March,
It's a word that soldier used in Vietnam
(similar to FUBAR and SNAFU) and it means "f***ed up, got ambushed, and
zipped in" to describe a soldier that wasn't careful and ended up getting
killed and zipped up in a body bag.

Gin Blossoms
Submitted by: John Schwerdt
Source: Web
Gin Blossoms are a symptom of severe alcoholism
by which your nose's veins become visible.

Submitted by NeMeSiS
Source: ??
"According to the band, Godsmack's name
was derived from the song by Alice In Chains of the same name."
Note from Editor - Many
people have emailed us telling us that the above was not correct. We are
actually waiting for the answers of an email interview with Sully for another
article but we asked him to clear this up. Until them here is the other
widely held version of where the name Godsmack came from.
Submitted by Jeff
Source: MTV Making The Video (Sully Himself)
"Apparently the guitarist walked in one
day they were rehearsing and he had a cold sore the size of a dime on his
lip and Sully made fun of him all day about it (something
about Tommy getting it from giving guys oral sex -ed). The next
morning Sully walked in for rehearsal and he had the same size cold sore
in the same spot and the guitarist said, 'See God smacked you for making
fun of me.'"

Grand Funk Railroad
Submitted by: Jay Silverberg
Source: From thier web site
There was a train overpass in thier hometown
of Flint, Michigan which read Grand Trunk Railroad.

Green Day
There are a few stories around about how
they got their name. The most widely accepted ones says that it came from
a song Billy wrote about smoking pot. The term “green day” was slang among
the band’s circle to describe good buds (pot) e.g. upon discovering they
had some good pot to smoke one of them would say, “it’s a green day!” They
were originally called Sweet Children.

Guns N’ Roses
Guns ‘N’ Roses took their names from their
frontline, guitarist Tracii Guns and vocalist Axl Rose. They had
both been in L.A. Guns (named after Tracii) together previously but Axl
left to form Rose, later Hollywood Rose but then they decided to form a
new group together and called it Guns ‘N’ Roses. Tracii and Axl didn’t
see eye to eye so Tracii left and reformed L.A. Guns and Axl replaced Tracii
with Slash but kept the group's name.

Submitted by: Chelsie
Source: Guitarist, Dan Estrin
"The guys were trying to come up with a
unique but strange name for their band one day and Markku, the bassist,
just blurted out his middle name 'Hoobastank' and it stuck with them."

Submitted by: Jay
Source: Spin Magazine and many other Incubus
One day the guy's were thinking of names
and Mike was reading a book that mentioned an Incubus and the band
liked it. Later they read a dictionary and found out it means an Evil male
spirit that violates sleeping women.
Submitted by: Parish
Source: VH1 interview
An Incubus was supposedly some mythological
creature that would come into villages at night and impregnate the women
without anybody knowing.

Iron Maiden
Submitted by: Viren
Source: TV special
The band was named after a medieval torture
instrument. The actual iron maiden was a coffin which had metal spikes
on the inside. The prisoner was placed inside it and skewered to death
when the iron maiden was closed.

Elton John
Submitted by: brant wilson
Source: All Persons.com
Elton was born Reginald Kennith Dwight
and took the name Elton John from two of his previous band members, Elton
Dean and Long John Baldrey

Submitted by: Maz
Source:Who Then Now (bio-video about the
"Jonathan Davis and the rest of the band
got all drunk trying to figure out a band name one member made a suggestion
and the John Davis said 'Yeah that sounds about as intelligent as calling
it Korn.' they came up with the logo while in the studio, one of them sat
down and wrote KoRn with his left hand and put the R backwards to have
a little kid feel to it."

Submitted by: Bryan
Source: Book of Useless Info
"Fifties slang for somebody who is 'square'
or uncool."

Led Zeppelin
Keith Moon and John Entwistle of the Who
were hanging out with Richard Cole (The Yardbirds road manager) one night
at the disco “Salvation” in New York. Moon and Entwistle were burnt out
on the whole scene with The Who and were talking about the desire to form
a band with Jimmy Page and Steve Winwood. And Entwistle said “Yeah. We’ll
call it Lead Zeppelin. Because it will go over like a f***ing Lead Balloon.”
Laughter followed and Cole told Jimmy about the discussion later. So when
the time came to change the band’s name from The New Yardbirds they finally
settled on “Led Zeppelin” after short stints as “Mad Dogs” and “Whoopee
Cushion”. They changed the spelling of lead to “Led” so that people wouldn’t
mispronounce the groups name as “Leed Zeppelin”.

Submitted by: John Schwerdt
Source: web
Live went through several name changes
(Public Affection, First Aid) before lead guitarist Chad Taylor saw the
word "Live" on someone's hat in a dream he had.

Lynyrd Skynyrd
Submitted by Glenn Berger
Source: VH1's Behind the Music:
"The guys in the band all went to grade/junior
high school together where they all had a gym teacher they hated, his name
was Leonard Skinard. On VH1, they even had the gym teacher on talking
bout it"

Submitted by: Anthony Z
Source: A special issue of a guitar magazine,
dedicated entirely to Metallica.
A friend of Lars Ulrich's was starting
a metal fanzine. He was debating between two names for the 'zine-"Metallica"
and "Metal Mania". He asked Lars for his oppinion, and Lars told him that
he should definately go with "Metal Mania", because he thought Metallica
was the perfect name, and wanted it for his band (who at the time went
by such lame names as Red Vette and Blitzer). And thus explains the
story behind the name of my all-time favorite band...METALLICA!

Submitted by: Jim Powers
Source: The Rough Guide To Rock
Lemmy Kilmeister originally wanted to name
his band "Bastard" but was advised against it, so he named it after the
song he wrote for his old band Hawkwind. "Motorhead" was 70's American
slang for someone on speed.

The name of the band came from bassist
Mike Kroeger. He was working at the Starbucks Coffee in Vancouver.
At the time coffee was selling for $2.95 to $4.95 a cup. He was so used
to telling customers "Here's your nickel back" that when the band
was trying to come up with a name, the phrase "nickel back" stuck in his
head. Mike suggested calling the band Nickelback to his brother Chad, who
is the lead vocalist, guitarist and chief songwriter of the group. Chad
thought the name was perfect and it stuck.

Submitted by: Damien
Source: Official Bio
The band saw a poster advertising in lead
singer Liam Gallagher's room about the Inspiral Carpets playing at a club
called "The Oasis". The band also learned that the Beatles played
their and chose that name. They were originally called "Rain".

Submitted by: Damien
Source: Interview in Circus Magazine
Much to the dismay of popular belief, Orgy's
name is not meant to be portrayed in a sexual way, rather the band believe's
their sound is an "orgy of sounds".

Submitted by Nitro
Source: Simple Spanish
"Pantera means 'panther' in spanish."

Pearl Jam
The mythology goes that Eddie Vedder's
grandmother, Pearl, used to make a homemade jam with peyote in it and that’s
where they got their name.

Pink Floyd
Syd Barrett supposedly came up with the
name by combining the first names of two lesser-known blues artists - Pink
Anderson and Floyd Council.

Submitted by: Allowishus Abercrombie
Source: Les Claypool's mom
Les used to have a primus grill. (No doubt
still does) But when it comes to fish they don't get no fresher than
cookin' them bastards right up on the shore. One day he ran
out of gas about one minute into cooking a fish, and he had just said "now
you're cookin with Primus, you Bastard" His buddy Gnomer never let
him live it down, so it stuck like glue, so it goes.

Submitted by: Shantanu Biswas
Source: The Web
Supposedly, all the band members are SAT
full scorers (i.e., 1600ers)
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