Matthew Wicklund (ex-Himsa) Interview
by Keavin Wiggins

We recently had the opportunity to catch
up with Matthew Wicklund to find out his reasons for leaving Himsa as well
as discuss what he is up to now with his new band Angels to Ashes. While
he didn't let the cat out of the bag about who else is involved aside from
former Cradle of Filther Martin Powell, he does tell us that the band includes
some names that metal heads will be familiar with. Let's get to the interview!
antiMusic: Before we get into what you
are up to now, I have to ask what happened with Himsa?
Matthew: After recording Hail Horror at Antfarm Studios in Denmark,
I decided to leave the band. We had a lot of professional and musical differences
and I knew it was time for me to move on. I needed to break away in order
to pursue my own musical vision. After quitting, I had to settle some contractual
issues and settle upon a fair royalty percentage with the band. They fought
me every step of the way and made things impossible for me. Finally, after
much nonsense, we came to an agreement and then they went to the media
and lied claiming that I had sued them amongst other various lies. I have
never sued anyone in my life! I thought they were trying to ruin me and
trash me which I find very childish and unnecessary. The record actually
came out yesterday and HIMSA did not credit me for any of the work I did.
I co-wrote that record and performed on the whole thing. I couldn't believe
it when I saw that my name does not appear anywhere on the record. The
funny thing about it is most of the reviews that I have been reading are
naming songs that I wrote as album highlights. I guess they just don't
want anyone to know that I wrote them!
antiMusic: There has been a lot said
in the press about your leaving relating to the latest Himsa CD. So what
was your involvement with the new album?
Matthew: I co-wrote and performed
on the whole record. I wrote all of "Pestilence" and "Send Down Your Reign"
and wrote half of "The Destroyer" and "Seminal." HIMSA removed two other
tracks from the album that I wrote in their entirety after I quit. They
were called "I, Possession" and "Waylay the End." These songs may appear
reworked on a future Angels to Ashes release. So, basically I did a lot
on that record. I am very proud of the work I did and I worked very hard
on it. I think that is why it is so upsetting to see that my work goes
antiMusic: Ok now back to the present
and future. Can you tell us a little bit about your new band? How it came
together, who is involved?
Matthew: My new band is called Angels
to Ashes. After quitting HIMSA, I got on the phone with my friend Martin
Powell who had just left Cradle of Filth. It turned out that we both shared
the same kind of musical vision and goals. We have been hard at work ever
since and we are very pleased with the results. In the near future, I will
be issuing a proper press release with all of the names of everyone involved.
We have a really eclectic bunch of minds and some familiar faces to the
metal community involved. I am really excited to get this stuff out there!
antiMusic: Have you done any recording
yet, or any plans to do so in the near future?
Matthew: Right now, we have plans
to record our demo in mid March and have it ready to show the labels immediately
after that.
antiMusic: Any tour or show plans?
Matthew: It's still too early in
the game for tour plans but I'll be sure to let you all know as this progresses!
antiMusic: Sonically speaking what can fans expect from Angels to Ashes?
Matthew: We are very dynamic. There
are a lot of very heavy parts, fast parts, thrashy parts, and mixed in
to all of this a hell of a lot of melody and hooks. You'll find guitar
solos a plenty and thick orchestrated choruses. The vocal approach is very
tonal. There is real singing here! Don't let that fool you though....the
raw aggression and metal energy is never sacrificed!
antiMusic: Where can fans learn more
about the band and what you guys have going on?
Matthew: Right now we are just writing
like crazy and trying to produce the most killer metal we possibly can!
I am also building our website that should be up and running very soon.
Look out for
antiMusic: Final word, any parting thoughts?
Matthew: Please pick up the new
HIMSA record! I am very proud of the work I did on it and Tue Madsen did
a great job making the whole thing sound amazing. Also, keep your eyes
peeled and your ears open for Angels to Ashes!!!

and Purchase The Hail Horror CD Online
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