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Made of Hate - Pathogen Review

by Matt Hensch

Made of Hate is strange to say the least. The Polish band orchestrates a texture of simplistic melodic death metal in the vein of Omnium Gatherium that finds itself smothered in small hints of thrash, neoclassical influences, and more guitar solos than you could ever imagine. "Pathogen," the band's second full-length album, at least has the ability the hook the listener with its outstanding soloing and lead guitars, although the band's other perimeters often lack the punch and bite that would otherwise bring the record to a new level of brilliance. The plastic knights of Made of Hade would be way above the status quo had they not indulge on the most bovine instrumentality and enthroned pretentiousness which engulfs their musical attack. Overall, I have a hard time making a final decision about "Pathogen."

They may have the stupidest moniker ever, but the dudes of Made of Hate have no issue keeping certain sections of their material fresh and piping. The ultimate source of power throughout "Pathogen" is the stellar guitar work, which shines like a supernova. Every song begins with a melodious thrash/death metal riff that typically goes through a number of verses and choruses that are so-so, really, but then an explosion of neoclassical leads and ripping solos pop out of nowhere and seize control of the instrumentality with defined power. They love solos though; every track has at least four or five, usually lasting for several minutes. It's not that their addictive choruses or general riffs are bad, but there's no competition compared to the guitar playing, which is easily the album's finest asset.

But the coin's other side ain't that pretty. The vocalist sparingly radiates these useless grunts that sound insipid, forced, and totally uninspired; considering Made of Hate's shred-happy postulate, it makes me wonder why they have a vocalist at all. They also have this huge problem dragging on and on for really no reason. "I Can't Believe" could be shorter, but Made of Hate continues lagging the chorus over and over before throwing another bazillion guitar solos at the listener; they honestly don't know when to stop sometimes. "Pathogen" also doesn't have much of a kick after a few listens, probably because the complex shredding becomes expected, not to mention the band can't hold a stable or interesting rhythm section for the glory of Poland.

I suppose "Pathogen" earns a listenable merit, yet Made of Hate can't justify its content through the constant masturbation and narcissistic qualities emerging from the record's daft formula. They do a pretty good job deceiving the listener with fiery solos and unexpected guitar work that seems nice at hindsight, but everything else is questionable. Is there any overall satisfaction from the group's hazy gimmick? The plethora of fret-burning solos? The sappy melodic death metal? The terrible vocals? The cheesy melodies? The catchy choruses? I argue yes and no to some degree, but satisfaction is definitely not what I feel. More like disappointment with a touch of boredom, actually.

Made of Hate - Pathogen


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