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Bible of the Devil - Freedom Metal Review

by Matt Hensch

Stoner metal is an esoteric genre: not widely popular, yet not scorned by metal fans. I enjoy the sound occasionally, but Freedom Metal made me cherish the sweet sound much more than I ever could have anticipated. Bible of the Devil has not received a ton of press or record sales, but I have never heard a single group redefine a certain measure in such a positive way as these gentlemen have so elegantly contributed. Needless to say, the band fits dangerously well within Cruz Del Sur's fantastic roster of colorful factions, and now they got the stoners real music for the pot-smoking characters to enjoy. Please sir, I want some more!

One thing that really caught my eye about this CD was how charismatic Bible of the Devil acts when unified; all members display special qualities that contribute vast profit. The album's production is raw as meat: sloppy (yet fun) guitars, smashing bass, pounding percussion, and rough vocals, but without any studio magic or cheating bullsh*t. As the process catches a swell atmosphere for Freedom Metal, hard-edged riffs built on speedy platforms and upbeat tinges conspire under a single sun as cycling percussion and blazing solos fly around. Now try eight anthems built upon this structure! Sometimes a little thrash riffing enters the picture, of course with that dirty production making the pattern incredibly fantastic. Interestingly enough, Bible of the Devil's approach needs to be experienced in order for one to fully understand how creative these gentlemen are. They do not just apply one unique quality hovering about, but more flavors than Willie Wonka's f*cking wallpaper, minus the shenanigans. It is raunchy, dirty, and downright genius.

Vocally, Mark Hoffmann displays an amazing southern-like attribute within his timeless voice that obtains rigged barks filled with emotion and devastating character. More so, Hoffmann adapts so easily within the sound of Freedom Metal whether a calming ballad takes aim or a mid-paced rocker enters the scene. The variety discovered when digging under his voice acts as one of the record's most important keys; after all, there are a ton of obstacles most would hit, but he succeeds wonderfully. Alas, the album's feel occupies another fantastic chapter written by Bible of the Devil's powerful passion: choruses are catchy, the music is heavy, and not a single item ages after a cluster of listens. Now get me a beer and a woman, right now!

Who makes up Bible of the Devil? Try four hard-edged rockers that know what stoner metal is all about, and possible prodigies leading this wonderful nature into new grounds of glory and beer, much where it belongs. Freedom Metal lives up to its distinct title; originality flutters within without fear, while proper mechanics rotate in unison on perfect measures. Song by song, this obscure group keep their ideas fresh and never lets go of fun-filled metal that radically adjusts beyond musical limits into great music good for your headphones and drinking parties! I promise you one thing: Bible of the Devil will rank among your favorites.

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Bible of the Devil - Freedom Metal


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