Motorhead - Motorizer Review
by Matt Hensch

Alright pals, grab some beer and gather: Motörhead has returned with a striking vengeance. Motörizer stands as the group's umpteenth production after three decades of relentlessly rocking against norms naysayers tried to impose, providing classic albums and years of consistency, but these aged individuals have no trouble stomping their competition into dust once again. Gimmicks are deceased while chaos runs amok, yet standards are encumbered beneath Motörhead's stellar form not looking to push limits, but striving for hard rock/heavy metal that sings of steel credibility as one would expect. Lemmy and his gang of leather-dressed rockers are once again hailed kings of hard rock, but after all, Lemmy IS God, correct? What is there to foresee? Come on, you know exactly what: ripping heavy metal like Lemmy and the gang always conjure up. With fast and crushing numbers like "Runaround Man," Motörhead delivers wonderfully diversified compositions stretching into rabid collections of bass-thumping madness. As usual, Phil Campbell effortlessly shreds his guitar in two while Mikkey Dee blunders his percussion set into oblivion; however, Motörizer is not a typical release in terms of blatant quality, because its whole experience takes Motörhead's usual accommodations beyond ballsy rock. To think of how aged this band is, and how they can maintain core writing abilities is simply amazing. Truly, Motörhead is a polite faction in a not-so-polite world. Oh Lemmy, why can you do no wrong? Your rusty yelps are impeccable again, even at the age of sixty three! His bass licks also represent timeless functions applying rapid stints upon classic speed-ridden tunes like "Rock Out," that are essentially just what one would expect from these guys: heavy, loud, and stuffed with girth. Formally, things also lean into new directions musically, such as epic slabs demonstrated on the godly "Heroes" or "When the Eagle Screams." Still, slower, blues-influenced tracks like "One Short Life" do not let up on entwining Motörhead's genius with overt worshiping of genres obscure to metal, yet that does not stop the anthem from becoming a fine slab of mid-paced rock. They just are not back, they have returned to their glory days! Featuring heavy guitars and a few large moles, Motörizer stomps the balls off of many old-timers still forcing records due to their previous status. Motörhead, on the other hand, knows how to make magic happen, thus enchanting this effort way beyond expectations. So in conclusion, we have another Motörhead diamond after years of suicidal activity, and the thought of a well-aged band contributing consistent tunes makes Motörizer more than an album; it is conceptually fantastic regardless of tone, albeit diversely powerful. Only fools will neglect what this timeless squad has offered upon the year 2008, so grab a beer, pick up some smokes, and idolize what Lemmy's billionth brainchild of unprecedented fitness accurately delivers: unbreakable heavy metal.
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Motorhead - Motorizer Rating:9.0
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