The original insurrection of death metal bands that transpired decades ago has left the metal world with several well-known acts filling empty stomachs with meals of decapitating instrumentation and jugulating growls. It is subsequently a given that a good portion of these revolutionary bands have either died or went astray, but Sweden's Dismember has always opted towards an agenda based on consistency, resulting in years upon years of successful releases. Unfortunately, Dismember's self-titled effort here sucks total dong
just kidding! Sure the story has not changed a bit, but that exactly what's supposed to happen, and Dismember still keeps their baby-shredding formula fresh during this enjoyable LP.The main weapon used throughout this record's war on retardation is what Dismember has always relied on: pure-blooded death metal. The ancient rage of these fierce monsters lives on in their constant attack of relentless riffs, hammering percussion, zesty growls, and a bass that rips your spine out. Another circulating vein throughout Dismember's heart is a production job rawer than a rare steak, typically making everything considerably heavier just by adding in sheer haziness that shrieks of old-school ideologies and frontiers of the underground insurgency. No senseless blasting, useless experimentation, generic attributes, or general showboating; just Dismember kicking ass like usual.
However, the ability to push this strategy leaves its listeners entwined with wonderful instrumentation, even after decades of sticking to the same genre. Most noticeably, the arsenal of amazing riffs is plentiful in all areas of speed and power, while also looking very original and colorful; now add ripping solos for an unmatched axe show of crucifying proportions!
Also, Matti Kδrki still dominates all with his signature aggression-filled voice that has helped define Dismember's identity by raping his victims with a deep pitch only a demon could conjure. Really, these guys can never run out of good material, even if they received an electric shock for doing so.
The eighth head in Dismember's freezer is kept in a safe, cool place where bacteria trying to spoil the main course are killed, and we are left with a huge feast of fleshy death metal that doesn't taste of bombastic spices or over-the-top vegetables; it is just Dismember being Dismember on Dismember. However, this is no The God That Never Was or their classic debut, but Dismember's self-titled opus still drives an iron fist of supreme death metal right into a horde of unsuspecting children, and watching those little tykes fly into oblivion just spells out how heavy this record is throughout. If you like these guys, it's a must, but be sure to investigate if you've never experienced these indecent executioners before.