Seizure Crypt is a relatively new crossover band from the world-renowned cesspool of hardcore, New York City. Their most recent offering, Hello...My Name is Madness is eight tracks of volatile poison spit out with the intensity of an alarmed cobra.Though the term 'speedcore' might tend to pop up in related conversations about this band, you'd really be limiting the band's versatility to a novelty expression based on tempo. Instead, the speed comes mostly from the amped-up punk flavorings that characterize the disc, which never quite reach ballistic speed. Indeed, the band can be quick, but not at the expense of drawing attention away from the raw, vicious vocal double whammy of Tom Reardon and Mike SOS. Hardcore aggression has free reign over most of this, but the dynamics change up on the gleefully misanthropic "Herein the Problem Lies", a human-hating dirge of acidic proportions. Also, listen for some almost genuine thrash on "Inhuman Nature", an assault on everyone's favorite whipping boy, the media.
Hardcore is known for being down-to-earth and honest, so topics also go from the macro (such as the heated topic of child molestation by clergymen) to the micro. Case in point: "Where the Bodies are Buried", Tom's personal journey as a long-time EMS worker on an ambulance.
Nothing about this twenty-four minute head-crusher really screams originality, but it is solid fun for those who follow the classic NYC sound and don't have much tolerance for frills.
Track List:
1. The Great Defector
2. The Deadend
3. Enigma
4. Herein The Problem Lies
5. Thankless
6. Where The Bodied Are Buried
7. Inhuman Nature
8. Eulogy