Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb Review
by billy. d gamble

As the self-proclaimed "pornographers of sound", Pig Destroyer's new album Phantom Limb is with no surprise a constant barrage of ballistic beats, muddy distorted guitars, and high pitched screaming that ties the sound together. Following up 2004's Terrifyer, Phantom Limb is a fermented Pig Destroyer. The song structures are a bit more consistent and thrash influenced than previous efforts. The songs seem to go more smoothly maintaining the band's signature sound. The Pig Destroyer sound is staying consistent with Terrifyer in the sense that the chords are more precise and clean. It establishes a headbangable sound that combines thrash and grindcore. The thrash influence makes tracks like "Jupiter's Eye" and "The Machete Twins". J. R. Hayes has produced a much-higher pitched "bloody-hell-I'm-getting-tortured" scream that is more brutal than the standard Pig Destroyer yell. Blake Harrison, Pig Destroyer's new electronics man, sends Hayes' vocals through walls of distortion and samples scattered throughout the album. The drums are typical Pig Destroyer, with the occasional solos. "Fourth Degree Burns" is a love song which for this group is questionable, as it seems a bit out of character. Regardless, Pig Destroyer have once again have made simplicity interesting and something that is just outside the land of grindcore. The sound on Phantom Limb is stop-in-your-tracks stunning. The usage of riffs on the album goes a long way in turning Pig Destroyer inside-out from previous efforts and overall establishing a smoother sound. 1. Rotten Yellow 2. Jupiter's Eye 3. Deathtripper 4. Thought Crime Spree 5. Cemetery Road 6. Lesser Animal 7. Phantom Limb 8. Loathsome 9. Heathen Temple 10. Fourth Degree Burns 11. Alexandria 12. Girl in a Slayer Jacket 13. Waist Deep in Ash 14. Machete Twins 15. Untitled
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Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb Rating:9.5
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