Behold...The Arctopus is one of the most exciting musical acts in the metal scene, and as usual, they don't disappoint. Behold...The Arctopus's EP titled "Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning" combines three talented musicians with a pile of influences that shows a pure blend of creativity and intelligence.The guitar work done by Mike Lerner is pure magic. Lerner is always pulling off complex riffs and solos that consist of an assortment of notes and time signature changes. There is never a repetitive moment with his riffs. Every couple of seconds, the riff will shift into something completely different and unpredictable. Colin Marston also contributes a good deal of guitar playing on "Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning." Marston plays the warr guitar, which has a distinct sound and is a signature attribute of Behold...The Arctopus's music. For those of you who don't know, the warr guitar is a twelve string guitar that can sound like a bass or an electric guitar. Marston uses the warr guitar to the band's benefit by enriching the music with crazy bass lines and solos. Just like his band mates, drummer Charlie Zeleny has a stellar performance. The drumming adapts to the never ending change just as well as the guitars do. Every couple of seconds, Zeleny will change his pattern into something perfectly fitting to the music. The best part of his drumming is during the final seconds of "Estrogen/Pathogen Exchange Program" when he ends with an incredible drum solo. Every band member pulls his own weight to make a fantastic CD.
The influences portrayed in "Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning" impact the album immensely. Standing aside for the progressive and avant-garde tone, there is a little bit of doom metal, stoner rock, thrash and even a touch of hardcore. The most noticeable examples are on the opening of "Estrogen/Pathogen Exchange Program,"which has a strong atmospheric vibe and a slight doom metal opening while "Exospacial Psionic Aura" is covered with frail stoner influence. These are just small examples of all the influences that are poured into this album.
Words cannot explain how stunned I was after hearing this. Never in all my days as a metalhead have I heard anything so unique and crazy as this album. "Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning" is an excellent album that defines the limits of technical music and shouldn't be ignored by anyone.