Live Review
by Anuj

High Five's Columbus, OH - 06-26-2006.
I'd only heard of the band Dysrhythmia
in passing before I saw that they were scheduled to play the High Five's
(quite the popular venue here in Columbus) on a Sunday night towards the
end of June. I made a mental note to attend the show. When the 26th did
roll around I had second thoughts about going. I didn't know anybody who
would be interested in going with me and wasn't keen on going alone. But
seeing as I would have had nothing better to do sitting at home, I ultimately
drove out for the show. When I got there I was surprised to meet a friend
of mine, along with his girlfriend. He had been out of town, and I wasn't
expecting to see him so soon after he got back.
So we sat down and waited for the show
to get underway. There was some bad news: Behold -The Arctopus, who were
providing main support on the tour, had to cancel. Their drummer Charlie's
dad had passed away, and he understandably headed back to New York with
the guitarist Mike. Their third member Colin Marston stayed on, as he plays
bass for Dysrhthmia.
The opening band took a long time to set-up,
and they were quite bland. I don't even remember their name! They were
trying to play the sort of drone metal that Sunn O))) seems to have popularized
these days, but really didn't impress much. After a set that was longer
than it should have been, they unloaded and allowed Dysrhythmia to set-up.
The headliners played an impressive set. Their music being instrumental,
it was hard to judge how much time they gave each of their albums, but
I assume the majority of the material came from Barriers & Passages,
the new release they have out on Relapse. Their prowess and skill was simply
incredible, especially in the wake of the news they had received earlier.
When they were done, I hung around the
merch area and was checking out the shirts and CD's. After congratulating
the members on a good show, I off-handedly asked if they needed a place
to crash for the night. Since my parents were away, I was able to make
that offer, and they gladly accepted. Once we got back to my place we talked
about a lot of things, from labels (guitarist Kevin worked for Relapse
for a bit) to moving (the band recently relocated to Brooklyn, NY where
Colin, their new bassist, lives) to the surprise Brutal Truth reunion (as
that band's drummer is their booking agent). I had a doctor's appointment
followed by work the next day, so I could not join them for lunch, but
they thanked me as they left, and gave me a CD and shirt for the hospitality.
In fact, it is now, much after that night
that I've begun to gain even more respect for them. All of them have a
plethora of side projects, with Kevin and Colin's other band Byla set to
feature the vocal stylings of none other than Jarboe (of Swans fame) in
the future. Colin has been earning a name for himself as a producer. He
did the remastering at his Paincave studio, for the Atheist reissues put
out by Relapse that I have been enjoying of late. Hats off to their talent!

and Purchase Barriers & Passages CD Online
the official Dysrhythmia Myspace
the official Behold -The Arctopus Myspace
the official Pain Cave Studio site
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