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I Am Gambit 
with Mike Rapin

When the rantings and ravings of Mike Rapin fill up among his small group of listeners, he turns to the digital pen and paper. Expect nothing less than irrational cries about meaningless anythings and possibly a logical idea here or there, but nonetheless hilarious (for those with a real sense of humor).

If you are under 18 or are easily offended, stop reading now!

How Offended Are You?

Recently, I have been pondering a simple question in which has played a bit into my life (and I don't mean to offend anyone I know who reads this by explaining my thought process). The question is simply this:

Is someone's maturity level paralleled and/or determined by their level to which they are offended/open-minded and/or how stubborn they are? (a bit confusing, yes, but go with me on this)

I only ask this because, honestly, how offended are you by scatological pornography?

If you are honest with yourself and those around you (and especially me), you will fall--at least partially--into one of these categories:

1. The worst. You are completely offended/disgusted and, after seeing such an act, nearly throw up, hoping your penis/vagina will be able to fully function after viewing this monstrosity of an act.

2. You are disgusted and close your eyes, yet aren't 100% offended.

3. You are sickened, keep watching, not out of interest, but out of respect for people's choices.

4. Grossed out, you chuckle a bit, watch for a small time longer and realize that sh*t happens (pun intended!) and you turn away with a grin.

5. Sickened, you laugh out loud, not caring about what is happening, but instead that it actually happened somewhere, sometime to someone.

6. Poop is gross, but you laugh loudly reminding yourself to tell your friends and family about this and that someone in the video looked like someone you know or knew.

7. You become aroused. Deeply.

So, where do we think we think the maturity is the highest? I have to admit, it's between numbers 4 and 5.

1-3 are too uptight showing that you don't care for other's opinions and will therefore be a dick-face (or c**t-face for our lady friends) to anyone who really differs from your opinion.

6 and 7 are just too childish and uncontrollable. You don't give a sh*t about how things are and having some sense of politeness/control means nothing to you--that is mainly 6. 7, well you know... poop + sex = instantly hard.

But what does this mean? Did I just make some lame ass web-blog questionnaire or do I have some kind of meaning?

Good question.

My point is this: To understand and accept anything and anyone is too great of a challenge, and frankly cannot be done. I don't give a f**k who you are, it can't be done. The idea here is to know that "sh*t happens" and being okay with it (tolerance) can only better the world. By doing so, we can better ourselves by becoming more mature.

Here is where I pull my egotistical, self-righteous sh*t:

I will say, boldly, that I consider myself quite mature. Why you ask? Because I can take a joke. I can look at morbid things and decide to laugh or be serious. Call me desensitized to "what's sacred," but what good is life if you can't laugh at it? and I mean all aspects.

Moving on to more preachy rants:

People do sh*t that not everyone likes, and the only way we can get along in this world is to deal with anything. And I mean anything . Everything in this world f**ked up enough to the point that if we can't just deal with who we are, we only fuel the downward spiral we are in over meaningless sh*t.

This world is stuck in a rut. Honestly. This may be my American biased, TV fueled opinion, but damn, we need to f**king deal with sh*t and being stubborn and offended over poop-porn bad words, and sh*t that isn't "cool" in our culture/society/neighborhood/etc. isn't going to make life better.


We need to find better ways to do sh*t. We need to come together and find out how to survive, because honestly, we're in a funk that could lead to the downfall of mankind.

Now I could go into the idea that religion started this mess, but I'll leave that for my next entry. For now, I must say that we must now take into our minds that in order to make life better, we must become more mature.

Besides, poop-porn is no fun unless you laugh...


Cover our ass part: The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Thrashpit, Rocknworld, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group, the Pope, George W. Kennedy, soccer moms, pop-punk fans, etc. Note: this rant was slightly censored by the man... only one specific word was altered. You should still know what it is, even with the alteration. If you don't you, you are as bright as a f*cking blackout and should consider sterilization . Love, Big Brother

The Pit

Your turn to get in the pit with your thoughts about this rant

They call you
What do you think ?:

Posted by Prog Prince:
Aren't you quite the nihilist? Yes, I agree that our attentions should be devoted to more encompassing, global concerns and not frivolous niche things like poop-porn that don't affect the majority of people.

However, I do believe that people should question things and try to understand the why behind stuff. Whole indifference towards everything would surely cause chaos, but setting personal standards for yourself that you can rationalize is a great thing, as long as you can sensibly and modestly reject those things outside your standards.


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