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Punisher - Soundtrack
Label: Wind-Up
Review By: samdamonkey
1.) Step-Up - Drowning Pool
2.) Bleed - Puddle Of Mudd
3.) Slow Motion - Nickelback
4.) Never Say Never - Queens of the Stone
5.) Broken - Seether featuring Amy Lee
6.) Finding Myself - Finding Myself
7.) Lost In A Portrait - Trapt
8.) Still Running - Chevelle
9.) Ashes to Ashes - Damageplan f/Jerry
10.) Sold Me - Seether
11.) Eyes Wired Shut - Damageplan
12.) Slow Chemical - Finger Eleven
13.) The End Has Come - Ben Moody
14.) Piece by Piece - Strata
15.) Bound To Violence - Hatebreed
16.) Sick - Seven Wiser
17.) Complicated - Submersed
18.) Time For People - Atomship
19.) In Time - Mark Collie |

Lion’s Gate Film’s adaptation of Marvel
Comics anti-hero “The Punisher” is a revenge-epic that plods through the
dark depths of a man who has everything taken from him and left with no
To compliment that same eye-for-a-bloody-eye
journey, Wind-Up Records has corralled almost their entire stable of artists
for a dingy and dehumanizing nu-metal soundtrack. Bands heavy in drop-D
tunings and diminished 5th guitar workings dominate to give the 19 songs
an overall brooding demeanor that’s sure to be the perfect accessory for
the Pacific Sunwear-shopping 15-year old mall-male that the comic book
movie is targeted for.
Opening things up is the new-look Drowning
Pool exploding into “Step Up,” the first offering of new material from
the band since Jason “Gong” Jones took over lead vocal duties for the tragically-deceased
David Williams.
Nosediving hard are Nickelback and a Fuel-infused
Puddle Of Mudd offering some pedestrian “B”-side material. Chad Kroeger
is a fantastic song writer and this material is simply beneath his talents,
but the clock is fully ticking on Wes Scantlin and the rest of Mudd. What
Wind-Up labelmates elevate the quality
of this disc with a quality and catchy rocker from Edgewater (Eyes Wired
Shut). Strata offer up an atmospheric and quirky “Piece By Piece” that
should leave Puddle Of Mudd red-faced.
But the South African Seether are the big
push this time around, much like Evanescence was on the Daredevil soundtrack.
The Punisher’s swan song is the uplifting duet “Broken” between Seether’s
Shaun Morgan and Amy Lee. Radio-ready with soaring vocals prove that Seether
might be ready to make that next big step.
From the “What Were They Thinking” file,
Josh Homme and Queens of the Stone Age turn in an eyebrow-raising rendition
of Romeo Void’s “Never Say Never.” Upon hearing the refrain, “I might like
you better if we slept together,” I have no idea what QOTSA were thinking
when they recorded it...or what Wind-up was thinking to include it.
When done right soundtracks can be a great
musical sampler to new music and up-and-coming bands and The Punisher is
no different. But 19 songs is a long time to keep up the quality and it
does go lacking in spots. But if you’re hungering to hear what might be
the next wave of nu-metal, it might be worth your time.
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