– el cielo
Eclectic Album of the Year
Album of the Year
The following was originally published in our Killer CD's section.
Review by Scott Slapp
When I was handed this CD by my editor,
I took a quick glance at it and saw the Interscope logo on it and thought,
“great, another s***ty nu-metal band!” I couldn’t have been more
mistaken if I tried. I was totally unprepared for what was about to explode
out of my speakers!
I’m still a bit speechless; this album
is beyond simple words and cliché’s. For a loudmouth with an opinion
about everything, this has been a bit of a shock to those that know me.
The music can literally take you to another place, sort of like a good
Pink Floyd album. Drop a couple tabs and pop this puppy in and you’ll be
in seventh heaven. Naw man, this ain’t acid rock. It’s in a class all it’s
The Floyd comparison isn’t far off, I’d
say take Pink Floyd and put them together with A Perfect Circle and you’ll
wind up with a band like Dredge. Their sound is a surreal, mindbending
exploration in sound and melody that totally engulfs you and holds you
in its grasp.
I’m in state of utter shock that a major
label like Interscope would have enough taste to release something like
this. It’s not your run of the mill blandness that we usually get from
the majors. Actually, no words can be put down to describe Dredge because
regardless of what you say, it still comes up far too short to do the music
justice. This album is a modern masterpiece that is simply beautiful. Yeah,
I said beautiful.. ok hell ain’t quite freezin’ over but I gotta tell you
after attempting to write this damn review for a month, the best I can
tell you is to stop reading my mindless dribble, move your ass out of that
seat and go buy this thing. I’m tellin’ you right now this album has my
vote for album of year! Hands down! Dude, you still hear? Come
on, you can skip buying that dimebag today, and buy this CD instead. I’m
telling you it will give you a much more intense buzz!
CD Info

– el cielo
Label: Interscope
Brushstroke: Dcbtfoabaaposba
Same Ol' Road
Brushstroke: New Heart Shadow
Sorry But It's Over
Brushstroke: Walk In The Park
People Live In Harmony
Scissor Lock
Brushstroke - (reprise)
Of The Room
Brushstroke: Elephant In The Delta Waves
It Only Took A Day
Whoa Is Me
The Canyon Behind Her |
to samples and Purchase this CD online |
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