Recover - This Could
be the Year I Disappear
By Jen Procop
This Could Be the Year I Disappear
is Recover’s second album released by the Strummer/ Universal label. If
you not familiar, the band hails from Austin, Texas and with that being
said, I was mildly expecting some southern rock charm, mixed with a little
torch and twang. Much to my surprise, this CD is not farmland indie-
it delivers the raging bull!
The depth and breadth of this band is
very impressive-They encompass many genres of music from emo punk, alternative
rock to hardcore scream and beyond. Think “My Chemical romance” with an
extra hit. “Jimmy Eat World” with a dessert. “The Used” but without leaving
your number and you may have an idea what to expect.
The first track “Night of the Creeps” really
sets the high impact climate of this record as Jimmy Vela shows his mastery
of the drum kit. “Disappear” is one of the best on the CD as well the fantastic
intro of “Simple’. Every song is worth listening to, however I was instantaneously
hooked on “F*ck me for free”. The lyrics are self- deprecating and personal,
which are amplified by the mesmeric guitar hooks of Keyes and Mann. They
also share the vocals which are chock full of passion and angst.
If you are a fan of Jimmy Eat World (who
they toured with this summer) or My Chemical Romance, saddle up with Recover.
Their emo punk tunes and undeniable talent make for a very pleasing ride.
This Could Be the Year they disappear from obscurity.
CD Info

- This Could be the Year I Disappear
Label: Universal/Strummer