Trust Company - True
by Keelan Kirby
For Trust Company fans the long awaited
True Parallels album is finally here. However does Trust Co. sophomore
album live up to the expectations that were set by their debut album The
Lonely Position of Neutral. Kevin Palmer (singer) makes this comment
about their latest album, "hopefully it can help others overcome hard times
in their lives, to feel less alone." Does this mean that the band
has gone soft? Absolutely not. The album starts hard and fast
with the single "Stronger" and carries that flow throughout the album.
The band did however do a bit of experimenting
with their latest effort. They decided to wind the clock back 20
years and do some experimenting with the 80's. In covering the Clash's
1983 release "Rock the Casbah" they further define who they are, they also
succeeded in perfectly updating "Rock the Casbah" all the way to 2005.
While there are a few surprises on this
album it was perfectly designed and carried the common theme of protecting
yourself from external forces that can tear you apart. True to Kevin's
comment this hard rocking album can help lift you up and carry you through
with its hard rock melody and meaningful lyrics. Trust Company seemed
to hit the nail on the head and really drive this album home. Their
sophomore album is definitely a success. The only downfall they seem to
have is the slightly mundane melody, however they are still a fairly new
band and have definitely made a strong presence on the rock stage.
CD Info

Company - True Parallels
Label: Geffen
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to samples and Purchase this CD online
the Official Website for more on the band