Live Review
@ Club 369 Fullerton Ca. Friday May 8, 1998
Keavin Wiggins

Fullerton Ca:
It was a pretty good crowd for a post 10:30 thursday night show for Weedpuller
at Club 369 on April 23, 1998.
This was the first
Live club show with their new guitarist Brian, and the first club show
for the band in a couple of years, were the rusty? resting on their
laurels, after spending the past 13 months in the studio working on their
forthcoming 2nd cd Girth? Not at all Weedpuller was in rare form as they
took the stage, the band was energetic the crowd was excited, and the whole
show just goes to show you that nothing compares to a live performance
by top notch musicians.
Weedpuller has made
their mark as a pop/puck band with highly singable songs, you just can't
help to find your self singing right along with lead singer/ bass guitarist the
artist formerly known as Marq. The Sound seems to have filled out quite
a bit with the addition of the guitar styling of Brian Aguilar. And of
course, Drummer Rob as usual showed he could pound away with the best of
Their opening band
A&M records 10speed were a tight threesome, who blended 70's funk with
90's punk and pop to create an interesting and highly listenable mix of
sounds. Look for more on them on Rockn'world to come, their debut album
is scheduled for release on May 19th.
Weedpuller opened
up with Somewhere in between that groovy puck/pop tune seems to set the
mood for the evening as young women danced in the audience. Their second
tune Geographic (a very funny song about a band getting halfway to Seattle
to cash in on the scene there and turning around), carried the energy
to higher level as the band keep the pace. Their third song the pedophile
love song little sister originally released acoustically was delivered
in a loud rocking form and by this time in the show the bar was dead because
everyone in attendance didn't seem to want to miss a single note.
They played 13 songs
and all were crown pleasers the highlights included Dream me when
it breaks into an instrumental at the end that showcases Lead guitarist
Brian Aguilars wealth of style and talent, as well as the Groovin Offspringish
Beat it out of you. During the bands cover of 70's rockers Cheap Tricks
Surrender the lighting engineer jumped on stage to sing along. And the
band brought the house down with their last two songs Girl upstairs which
Guitarist Brian dedicated to "our lesbian friends in the audience" and
Last man on the planet.
It was a great
show, which brought this reviewer to feel sorry for those poor souls who
were at home sleeping at the time, because they missed One of the best
bands to hit the Orange county scene in along time. There is always next
Weedpuller home
Real audio, bio,
pics and the Cave Cam