Have you ever wondered what a songwriter
was thinking when they wrote a certain song? With the “inside track” it
will no longer be a mystery as we speak with the musicians themselves and
they give us the inside story on songs, their inspirations, the stories
behind the songs and more.

For this edition of Inside
Track we talk with the nu metal outfit TRUSTcompany. Their Geffen debut
is already turning heads and they’re winning fans over at every stop with
their live performances on the Warped Tour.
Their debut is powerful
mix of melody and crunch and their
songs land them a notch above most bands on the already crowded nu-metal
arena. This interview was originally supposed to be conducted over
the phone with lead vocalist Kevin but somehow the lines keep getting crossed
and a phone conversation proved to be difficult to nail down so the band
agreed to talk with us via email. Because of this we aren’t quite sure
who in the band answered the questions, we think it was Kevin. It really
doesn’t matter, who ever it was gave a good idea about the band and the
songs on their debut. So get ready to get the Inside Track on TRUSTcompany!

insideTrack: I’d
like to get a little background on the band. Your name used to be 41down
but you recently changed it to TRUSTcompany? Where did the name come from?
And what was the reason for the change?
Well, the name came from random collaborations with our label, and us.
Umm…. the name changed b/c we didn’t want to be confused with other bands
with similar numbers, and it really didn’t mean much to begin with. Trust
Co was a somewhat interesting yet ambiguous name that we liked.
insideTrack: Can
you tell us a little bit about how the band formed?
TC: Kevin
and Jason had been playing in bands for a about 9+ yrs. Josh came in the
band about 5 1/2 yrs, then James came in about 2 ½ years ago.
insideTrack: Since
you guys are from Alabama, how did you catch the attention of Geffen?
TC: Well,
some folks got a hold of our demo, and while we were ‘van-ing’ it around
the nation we started getting opportunities to showcase for labels. One
of these Showcases was for Geffen.
insideTrack: You
have an unusual title for your CD, “Lonely Position Of Neutral“.
Where did that
come from?
TC: Well,
the Lonely Position Of Neutral was the title of our second Independent
release, and we decided to resurrect the title. The name can hold whatever
meaning the listener wants. It generally describes the isolation of being
caught between two different sides.
How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard your music?
Where do you think you fit into the current music scene?
TC: Rock Riffs
with choruses. We fit….Probably in the rock genre………..To give you an idea,
we are huge Deftones fans….

Since this is for a series we run called Inside Track where we try to give
the fans a deeper understanding of the music, I’d like to take the songs
on your album one by one and if you could tell us a little about them,
stories behind the songs, any inside stories about how they were written
or recorded etc. Let’s start with Downfall
this song pretty much sums up who we are as far as music, it mixes heavy
riffs with softer vocals which can sometimes also get heavy to match the
Falling Apart
the first song written as a four piece, this was the introduction of James
into trust*co.
the hook for this song was an idea I got (Kevin) while on a 3 hour drive
back from a show in Florida. I kept humming the tune over and over in my
head for over two hours so I wouldn’t forget it. As soon as I got home
I pulled out my guitar and started working on it.
Running From Me
---- this is a fun live song that deals with facing some of your fears
by facing yourself.
Slipping Away----
a song that was totally re-worked, the title pretty much says it all….trying
to hold on but feeling like you’re slipping away…
Figure 8----
this is the oldest song on the album, with a new chorus. It’s about what
goes around comes around, so if you screw someone over watch your back
…but I’m not saying any names J
Fear ----
the song deals with the ending of a relationship and having to go back
home and pretty much start life all over again.
Deeper Into You
---- this is also a fun live song which mixes some heavier riffs with softer
parts…a newer song written shortly before we went into the studio.
Drop To Zero----
this is our live show opener, it’s also an older song, but one of my favorites.
this song was actually finished in the studio, I wasn’t sure if we were
going to be able to finish it in time to make it on the album….but I’m
glad we did because I think it’s my favorite song on the album right now.
Take It All----
a high energy song with a re-worked chorus, it’s about learning how to
deal with problems.
insideTrack: What
are your favorite tracks on the CD?
TC: Depends
on the mood. I really like the finally.
If you had to take only one song to use to win people over and give them
a feel for what you are all about which one would it be and why?
TC: I believe
that Downfall is a good descriptive song for what we are about. It’s got
the cool heavy riffs and the cool chorus.
insideTrack: What
is your song writing process like?
TC: Collaborative.
Everyone has a good part in the writing process. Kevin ends up writing
a lot of the Lyrics b/c he, ultimately, has to sing em’.
insideTrack: Any
tour plans in the works?
TC: Always,
we just ever know what they are. Maybe Korn, maybe Hoobastank…I’m not sure.
So far, I’m really glad at who we’ve had the opportunity to play with (i.e.,
POM, 30secs to Mars, Audiovent, Adema, and everyone on Warped tour)
insideTrack: What
would be your dream tour? Who would you most like to play with?
TC: Well,
we just think that touring is a dream, but the deftones would be cool.
insideTrack: What
do you want people to take away from your music?
TC: Whatever
they want to that’s for them to decide. It would be silly for us to think
that everyone is suppose to take so ‘grand’ message from us; don’t you
insideTrack: Final
question, why do you do it?
TC: Probably,
b/c it’s the only thing we’ve ever wanted to do.
Want more?

the official web site for news, media clips and tour dates!
to samples and Purchase this CD online