– Start Something
By antiGUY
Ignore the writing on the
I hate hype, buzz is one thing but when
you start hearing a bunch of hype about a group, then the natural inclination
to hate them kicks in. That’s what happened with Lostprophets. Their debut
album had everyone a buzz about this being the next big thing--the ones
to steal the thunder from Linkin Park. Many wrote them off instantly, and
I too joined that brigade.
I’m not above saying I was wrong. I’ve
done it on more than one occasion. And I’m here to do it again. (This
isn’t a joke like that last Limp Bizkit review; I really have been turned
around concerning Lostprophets.).
One big strike against them is the fact
that they waited so long to put out this follow up album. Granted they
took their time to perfect the album and it does show in the final product.
The problem they face is that they had some momentum and the numetal genre
was still riding high when they began work on this CD. Well, time
has passed and numetal is breathing its last gasps of desperation in trying
to remain relevant. Fortunately for Lostprophets, this CD easily rises
above what we consider numetal, and they should be able to transcend the
dying trend and carve out a further niche for themselves. That will be
an uphill battle and other worthy bands have come at the sunset of a trend
that they were lumped into and although they had superior music, they were
unable to break through and remain relevant in the trend mongering public
eye. With “Start Something”, Lostprophets have the ammunition to fight
on and take things to a much higher level, if they are given the chance.
Now a word on numetal. We all know it and
the formula it employs. Lostprophets are not above using that formula but
unlike a lot of numetal bands, they do it well enough to crossover and
escape. If anything this CD hedges on the ridge between numetal and modern
rock with extremely strong pop leanings. It’s that latter component that
will win the day in the end, if this album succeeds.
This is one of those album that you are
either going to love or hate on first listen. It’s not a “it had to grow
on me” disc. While the music does seem a bit formulaic, it is well executed
for the most part. The only time they run into trouble is when they stop
being themselves and try to be Linkin Park. Luckily we can skip over those
The lead off track, appropriately titled
“We Still Kill The Old Way”, is a catchy showpiece where the band frontloaded
the best elements of their sound to capture the listener’s attention from
the get go. A driving beat, melodic prechorus that kicks into a big chorus
is a winning recipe. The song doesn’t have the readily identifiable hook,
the whole song is one big hook, and they offer up some interesting change-ups
that really make the song standout.
The rest of the album is more or less variations
on the same formula. Some songs work better than others, the only draw
back is the numetal elements may turn certain people off, but the strong
pop focus may also turn another segment off, as it may sound a bit too
polished and slick for those that like a lot of edge to their rock. But
if you’re looking for a band that throws down some solid heavy pop-rock,
then Lostprophets are just the ticket.
CD Info

– Start Something
Label: Columbia
We Still Kill The Old Way
To Hell We Ride
Last Train Home
Make A Move
Burn, Burn
I Don't Know
Hello Again
Goodbye Tonight
Start Something
Million Miles, A
Last Summer
Sway |
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