The Datsuns
by Rachael Reardon
2003 has been a big year for The Datsuns.
Touring with the likes of The White Stripes, and more recently the Hellacopters
and Gaza Strippers, headlining the NME awards and generally hopping around
the globe on 40 foot springs, The Datsuns, so early on in their career,
appear to be in their prime.
Starting their own label, the Hellsquad,
but now currently signed to NZ records along with fellow New Zealanders
The D4, The Datsuns released Super Gyration! on 7” vinyl, in September
last year, which, surprising sold out, holding the number one spot for
3 weeks on the alternative charts.
The Datsuns are open to a lot of criticism
over in the UK for perhaps fitting into the category of cool “The” bands.
The Strokes, The Hives and The Vines all decorous of this genre, whether
willingly or not are simply not worthy of The Datsuns joining their phlegmatic
clan. You know why? Cuz The Datsuns make you dance, that’s why. With their
combination of old school solo’s, vocals and simple drum beats, it’s not
an option just to stand their smoking a fag, looking cool and “appreciating
the music”. Man you gotta dance, and there is no ‘if’ about it.
Starting with ‘Sittin’ Pretty’ is a riff
uncannily similar to Led Zepplin. Welcome ascending drum beats and
distorted riffs from the man on hand Dolf de Datsun, whose languidly strained
vocals provoke a visualization of sitting next to the record player at
a younger age, listening attentively to your dad’s CD collection.
Cue ‘Lady’, the epitome of old-school
rock n roll. “Lady, lady, take me back” the stooge front man wails, followed
by a sure fire plaintive solo, reminiscent of Deep Purple.
In Love, released in September last year,
with its only downfall intro - a more repining version of ‘What Would I
Know’-spits out palpitating riffs annexed with rejoice able squalls Robert
Initiating a building tribal drumbeat,
‘Fink For The Man’ intertwines modest hushed chords, which are rudely interrupted
by a harrowing squeal. Subsequently, this track subsidizes an AC/DC motif
- one such that runs throughout this self-titled album.
‘Freeze Sucker’, crashes in with its fermenting
rampage of cymbals and feedback, abruptly snapping to an ‘air guitar moment’
riff. One of the prime songs on this album Freeze Sucker, and indeed The
Datsuns come to a regrettable end a la bewailing howls and a goodbye, stomach-churning
An AC/DC covers band? Possibly. Or an old-school
rock n roll band that cuts short the ‘I wish I could’ve lived in that decade’
tale of woe, replacing it with ‘no, wait, ahh its ok – The Datsuns are
here’? Possibly. Whichever, The Datsuns have simply gotta be checked out
for their enterprising hype. A hype of which, they do not disappoint.
CD Info

The Datsuns
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