Motley Crue Still Kicking Ass
Metro Center -
Rockford, Illinois - February 24, 2006
Review and Photos by Rob Grabowski

After the show was delayed a half-hour due to the Metro Center's inability
to get the concert goers into the venue smoothly, Scantily dressed female
circus performers, a midget named Mighty Mike, and the aptly named rock
group, Motley Crue, brought the Carnival of Sins tour through Rockford,
Illinois. While the crowd consisted of about 6,500 of Rockford's own motley
crew, the bad boys of rock did not disappoint.
Kicking the show off with "Shout At The Devil," Vince Neil appears out
of a box center stage with the help of a few of the circus performers to
a fist pumping crowd chanting "Shout, Shout, Shout,"... The crowd and the
band feed off of the electricity in the air and kick off what will be the
beginning of about 2 hours of Crue hits and debauchery usually confined
to the likes of a strip club. The title track to their debut album, Too
Fast For Love, entrances Rockford's dregs of society and now the time
warp is complete and the crowd is back in the early 80's and for most of
the Rockford crowd, don't look like they ever left. The Crue went on to
play such hits as "10 Seconds To Love" and "Red Hot," where Nikki Sixx
paid homage to local Rockford native Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick fame.
"On With The Show" which is the tour's
biggest surprise had the entranced audience singing along to every word
showing what a masterpiece this song is performed live. Rounding out the
first part of the show was "Looks That Kill," "Louder Than Hell," and of
course, "Live Wire" which left the crowd chomping on the musical candy
and begging for more.
After a 10 minute intermission, Tommy and Nikki re-appear driving motorcycles
to the stage which also has the female circus performers doing a sleazy
performance in true Crue fashion to an awe inspiring version of "Girls,
Girls, Girls," "Wild Side" and "Don't Go Away Mad" are a perfect prelude
to "Primal Scream" which showcases the true artistry of Tommy Lee as he
hammers the intro out on the skins and lays down the beat for an unforgettable
ride during this anthem. There are songs that will have you talking about
them for months, even years after a performance and for this show it was
"Primal Scream" and "Home Sweet Home."
As Tommy Lee begins the intro to "Home Sweet Home" Vince tries to stop
him and after some doing Tommy finally hears him and stops the show so
Vince can ask the crowd to light the venue up and they accommodate with
lighters and cell phones throughout the arena that would put a Christmas
tree to shame. Vince and Tommy start the song off and the audience belts
out the opening verse which leaves Tommy and Vince in appreciation and
brings Mick and Nikki back to the stage for a bombastic middle verse only
to depart once again for Tommy to do his piano outro to one of the greatest
renditions of this song ever witnessed. Next Nikki puts on a spectacle
as he does his own musical solo dressed in a mad scientist outfit and as
he brings the solo to an end, he blows himself up! Yes, the Crue definitely
doesn't hold back. Vince enjoys his medical exam from the female performers
dressed in nurses outfits that would have any of the men in the audience
hoping to have their own wounds licked while they chanted along to "Dr.
Tommy Lee, not to be out done by Nikki's solo, goes in to the middle of
the main floor by the soundboard and flies up to the rafters where he has
2 drum kits 20 feet apart near the ceiling. Tommy goes on to get the crowd
going by chanting, "when I say MOTLEY, you say CRUE.. Motley CRUE, Motley
CRUE,..." as he does this repeatedly he does a drum solo which is more
techno than metal and definitely falls flat amongst this crowd and would
be better suited for a disco than a rock concert. Finishing the show up
with "Same 'Ol Situation" (SOS) and Motley's own national anthem "Kick
Start My Heart" blowing the roof off of the joint and left the Crue living
up to their reputation and proving that they are still kicking ass...
If you didn't get a chance to see the Crue during this tour, go pick up
the DVD to see what you missed. And with the talk of the co-headlining
tour with Aerosmith this summer, be sure not to miss that lineup. While
it probably won't happen like this but, could you imagine both bands coming
back on stage for an encore of the Beatles' "Helter Skelter?" That would
truly leave people talking however, I think the days of bands enjoying
the music that much to check the ego's at the door may be long gone. Although,
wouldn't that be truly a walk on the Wildside?


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Photos By Rob Grabowski
Rob Grabowski 2006
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