The Police - Everybody Stares: The Police Inside Out Review
by Sherrill Fulghum

Ever wonder what it looks like from the stage? What does the band see, especially the drummer? In his new DVD "Everybody Stares" The Police drummer Stewart Copeland gives you an idea of not only his view of the world from behind the drum kit; but he also gives you a glimpse of what it's like to be in a rock band - a famous hit making rock band."Everybody Stares: The Police Inside Out" is a first person account. Taken from over 50 hours of film shot by Copeland, Stewart gives his views and opinions of the phenomenon known as The Police in the early 1980s. The hour and 15 minute video shows what Stewart saw and lived. His view of the world as The Police began in London and reached stardom before they called it quits in 1984. While many band videos are full of performances with an extra behind the scenes feature thrown in, "Everybody Stares: is nothing but behind the scenes footage with a short performance clip bonus feature thrown in at the end. But don't tune in looking for a film full of arguments and fights; while there should be a label warning of some very colourful expletives, there are no fights to be seen here. As Stewart put it in the film, "we laugh more than we shout." Anyone who thinks that rock stars pop up overnight or that the rock star life is all posh and glamour definitely should see "Everybody Stares: The Police Inside Out" by Stewart Copeland.
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The Police - Everybody Stares: The Police Inside Out Label:Universal Music Enterprises Rating:   
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