The April Skies - Flood Review
by Kevin Wierzbicki

The April Skies are five fellows out of south central Pennsylvania who have a blue-collar (but not rough) sound that is very familiar a couple hundred miles to the east on the Jersey shore. But they're a bit more sensitive than the bands that get the crowd to swilling Rolling Rock by the bucket, and as such, this release probably won't be their ticket out of the regional bar scene. Singer Jake Crawford writes most of the lyrics and starts off the album on a high note with the cryptic "322." Crawford can sound quite a bit like a young Elvis Costello and "322" and "Crutch" are interesting examples of that style. But Flood quickly gets bogged down in a sameness that Crawford's clever lyrics and vocal play can't redeem---a mid-tempo purgatory where the drum parts in particular become especially taxing. Nevertheless there is a lot of obvious potential here; Crawford has a good voice and writes a good enough lyric. I don't know if he needs to fire the band and start over or just get a good producer but it would not surprise me in the slightest to see Crawford eventually break big.
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The April Skies - Flood Label:WIAB Rating: 
Track Listing: 322 Crutch You are the One Long Way Down Something to Shine About A Game Still In the Mirror Shaking the Day I Will Surround You
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