If you've been living under a rock the last few years than let me tell you that punk rock has really changed since its beginning. The old days of rebellious punk rock that made your families disown you and made you an outcast from society are gone, and the new style of punk has lost the rebelliousness and has become more popular and accepted. However one band from the city of Los Angeles has brought back that old style of street punk and they are the Angel City Outcasts. Their new album Let It Ride is a fast paced, hard hitting punk rock album. They start the album off with a little clip from the movie Swingers adding a little humor. From then on your are just embraced by the in your face sound and catchy lyrics. Many of the songs are chanting songs and you could definitely catch yourself chanting along with the CD.
The other great thing about this band is that they do more than just play old school street punk. The guitars are astonishing. In each song you will get a guitar solo you think should be coming out of a rock band not a punk band. They play fast, hard licks and make the guitars scream out of your speakers. Definitely some of the best guitars I have ever heard on a punk album.
The song "Popeye in Afghanistan" is a punk masterpiece. It is a tribute song to those fighting for us in Afghanistan with Popeye representing U.S. soldiers. The song just gets into your head and you will be singing it all day. The guitar solos are mind blowing. They even add a banjo to play along with the guitar in a solo where they play the old Popeye theme song. It is absolutely incredible and is the best pure punk rock song I have heard in years.
If you love punk, especially good old street punk, than absolutely get off your ass and buy this album. I haven't heard a band with this type of sound in along time and they definitely are worth spending the money on.