I must be honest; when I first heard this record I hated every second of it, passing it off as just another startup band with no ability that thought they were talented. However upon further examination, I must say I really enjoy it! Every track peels back one more layer to this band's varied style like a ripe onion and instead of tears, there is pure indie pop bliss. On one track STS gives you an alt-country hillbilly twanger the likes of The Eagles, and on another track they turn up the volume a little with well-played guitar solos and bass lines that reek of proficiency, and on yet another they turn off all plugs and go "naked", with nothing but intimate acoustic guitar strums and "whisper-in-your-ear" lyrics. The album closer "Radio Galaxy" goes way out into left field with a four-minute instrumental experiment in the strange and unusual with ghostly atmospherics and quirky little electronic sounds which complete this band's apparent love of throwing us all curveballs.
The vocals are catchy and melodic, and it makes you wonder why everybody hasn't heard of STS yet. This self-titled record makes for a really fun, if not really fast listen that those looking for something on the unusual and eccentric side of their iTunes collection will really appreciate.