Brand New Sin
New Sin – Brand New Sin
Label: Now
Or Never Records
The best thing about this CD is you can
put it on and forget that rap-metal ever happened. Brand New Sin are our
Brand New Metal Heroes. They take some of the elements of Nu-metal but
for the most part they keep it real with an older school metal formula
like Soundgarden doing Sabbath, early C.O.C. or Down’s two phenomenal albums.
You get riffs galore, intense guitar solos,
killer power vocals and mind shattering rhythms. Brand New Sin are hard
rock's new powerhouse, I can’t imagine many bands that would want to share
the stage with these guys, because there are very few bands out at the
moment that wouldn’t be blown clear off the stage after the crowd gets
a whiff of Brand New Sin's explosive sound.
If anything this CD give me faith that
hard rock hasn’t been entirely taken over by wanna be rappers and mediocre
musicians. Brand New Sin sets out to kick your ass from the first moment
and I’ll be damned if you don’t come out with badly bruised body when the
last note sounds. If you love incendiary guitar leads mixed with gravely
vocals and fist pounding rhythms from a band that actually knows how to
play their instruments then you gotta pick up a copy of this CD. It will
cause serious damage to your ears and warp your fragile little mind. Plus
you can play tricks on your friends by swapping it out for their Linkin
Park CD’s when they aren’t looking and let them now what hard rock is REALLY
all about!
You may not get many albums like this from
major labels in this day and age but you can thank the rock gods for indie
labels like Now Or Never Records , who are helping to keep hard rock alive
and vibrant with releases like this. The good news is Brand New Sin are
here to help save 2002 from totally sucking musically. The bad news is
you won’t find them on Ozzfest where they rightly belong, if anyone can
give a Down a run for their money on the second stage this summer it’s
Brand New Sin. That’s ok because you can catch them up close and personal
on the road during the summer of 2002 with Fu Manchu and Speedealer.
Official Bio
"This record will make you want to play
air guitar in front of the mirror again, like Appetite For Destruction,"
according to guitarist Ken Dunham.That's quite a ballsy statement for a
new band to make, but Brand New Sin's devil/may/care attitude is as confident
and refreshing as the dirty, blues-infused hard rock they make. When a
band follows in the tradition of legends like Iron Maiden, Lynyrd Skynyrd
and Black Sabbath and powers its rock with three guitarists it ends up
sounding like Motorhead after a fist fight with Down and Corrosion Of Conformity.
Hailing from Syracuse, once considered the straight edge, hardcore capitol
of the world, Brand New Sin features former members of the critically acclaimed
metalcore band Godbelow. Thanks to its masculine riffs and brawny vocals,
Brand New Sin could easily redefine Syracuse as a town that produces solid,
blue-collar rock bands, as opposed to manufacturing samey moshcore. Brand
New Sin, named after what the band describes as the "birth of something
bad and the epitome of gluttony," formed when Godbelow wanted to go in
a new direction. Since Godbelow embodied a specific type of reputation,
the band decided to change their name in accordance with their new sound.
BNS now resembles a mesmerizing amalgam of sludgy, dirt-under-the-fingernails,
calloused skin rock and down home, southern style blues. These fine young
gentlemen knew they wanted to play a bourbon-soaked blend of rock-n-roll
and started composing those types of songs. Unfortunately, they lacked
the key ingredient: the right singer. Enter Joe Altier, a friend of a friend,
a burly man with the deep, husky voice; one that is clear and doesn't require
you to sit down with a lyric sheet in order to decipher his barks. BNS
invited him to sing on "Broken Soul" and the rest, as they say, is history.
Brand New Sin, and their hulking self-titled, Now Or Never Records debut,
is one of those rare rock records that is erected through talent, skill,
passion and an iron clad work ethic. Brand New Sin was produced by local
knobsman Pete Walker at Village Recorders in Liverpool, New York. The album
boasts such raw fury that will propel BNS to the status of "the next big
thang in rock." The mighty "S.P.P" and the soul purging "My World" could
put hair on the chest of even the hottest supermodel on the planet. "Brand
New Sin is unyielding rock-n-roll power and timelessness," says Altier,
"You can pick this record up twenty years from now and it will still feel
as fresh and relevant as it does today." Indeed, Brand New Sin could ultimately
join the ranks of classic bands like Led Zeppelin. Guitarist Kris Wiechmann
adds, "Our album is like the first drink an alcoholic takes after walking
out of rehab; it feels f***ing great." While you let your hair down when
listening, Brand New Sin isn't hedonistic, mindless rock 'n roll. It feels
down, dirty, and sweaty, but it's backed up by thoughtful lyrical content.
Slider and Altier share lyrical duties and Altier says the lyrics deal
with "struggles with oneself. They're very personal, but vague enough to
where they can be adapted by anyone. Make 'em your own." When speaking
about the music, Weichmann says, "We have moshy, fast parts and a lot of
people are fooled by that. However, we can also write a song that will
make you cry." Continuing on that line of thought, Slider finishes, "We
weren't pigeonholed into writing full out ballistic music. I can write
acoustic songs as well." For a more concrete example of BNS's songwriting
complexities, check out the beautifully understated album track, "Missin
You." Brand New Sin will dominate the world afterwards through non-stop
touring, systematically capturing the filthy hearts of every rock hound
on international soil. The 1% of the population that might accidentally
sleep on this record, Dunham has the answer, "this band is unlimited music
and won't be overlooked."
Brand New Sin: no boundaries, no limits,
and nowhere to go but up.
Brand New Sin's Official Website to get the lowdown on the album, find
tour dates plus get more info on the band and the latest news and multimedia
to sound samples and Purchase "Brand New Sin" online