W.K. – I Get Wet
Label: Island Records
It's Time to Party
Party Hard
Girls Own Love
Ready To Die
Take It Off
I Love NYC
She is Beautiful
Party Til You Puke
Fun Night
Got To Do It
I Get Wet
Don't Stop Living In The Red |
There is nothing like a little controversy
to kick off a music career. Andrew W.K. got a rousing start in the U.K.
earlier this year due to the controversial cover art of his debut album,
“I Get Wet”. The vision of Andrew W.K. pictured on the album cover
with blood running from his nose and down his face and chin was bit too
much for some. (see photo above) The album containing the controversial
cover was in U.K. stores less than a month when the Advertising Standards
Authority cried foul! Andrew W.K.’s European label, Mercury Records, relented
under pressure and placed a sticker on the CD jewel case obscuring all
traces of blood from view, but fans only have to pull the CD booklet from
the jewel case to see the cover art in all its gore! There is nothing like
a little censorship to give a new artist launch a big push.
Needless to say, Andrew W.K. has already
created quite a stir in Europe with his debut album, “I Get Wet”, now he
is poised to unleash his music on North America. What’s it all about? Is
this just another artist using controversy to sell CD’s? Let’s see what
Andrew has to say about it? "This record is about 'not stopping' in every
sense of the word, and every aspect of life, and it was created with determination
that reflected that. Whatever you do in life, if you go full bore you're
bound to get wet--with blood, sweat, urine, semen or girls' lubricant.”
Says Andrew W.K. about his debut album. “This record is about cutting in
to the heart of existence and getting wet... But it's also about having
no fear, experiencing intense emotions – from passionate feelings of love
and excitement to the most anger filled, hateful rages, and everything
in between – embracing life and other people, and coming together as a
party in celebration of possibilities, potential and opportunity. It's
an explosion of human life."

"I like things to be strong because I feel
that other people can derive strength from that themselves. And I try to
reflect that strength, and purity, truth and passion for what we are doing
in everything you see and hear. How it's not a f***ing joke and that what
we mean is very serious to us. I guess you could say this is a cause, but
if so, it is a cause that is undertaken simply for its own sake."
The operative word in Andrew’s statement
is “party”, not only are the two lead off tracks on the disc, “It’s Time
to Party” and “Party Hard”, all about having a good time, the entire disc
even at it’s most serious moments has a “devil may care” and “let’s enjoy
today, because tomorrow we may die” attitude.
Where does Andrew W.K. fit into grand
musical landscape? Somewhere in the valley between the mountains Rob Zombie
and The Clash, or rather Clash inspired The Living End. At other times
the music has a ring of Third Eye Blind or Lit to it like with the track,
“Girls Own Love”. Andrew has found a formula that works for him, driving
beats, heavy guitars and keyboards, punk inspired melodies and his gruff
“Rob Zombie” like vocals.
Does it work? It really depends on the
taste of the listener. Some will walk away scratching their heads, while
others will see in Andrew W.K. a messiah on the musical landscape, delivered
to save the world from the likes of nu-metal, rap-core and the latest pop
stars we hear ad nauseam on the radio. There is no denying that the
music has an addictive quality to it, from the incessant beat to the well-crafted
melody lines. To put it simply, Andrew W.K. gives us music to party to.
It wouldn’t be surprising to find “I Get Wet” a top CD this year at high
school and college parties, as well as in dance clubs. Sure the music is
pretty limited in scope and focus, but it is consistent throughout the
album. Some will find fault with that and others who love what Andrew WK
is all about, will embrace it wholeheartedly.
Unlike Zombie, who has a sinister edge
to his music and a dark sound, Andrew takes things to the opposite extreme,
even when dealing with gory subject matter like in the song “Get Ready
To Die” the music has an upbeat, optimistic feel to it that has a “Let’s
party” attitude.
The production of the disc is pretty amazing
as well. It's full digital treatment from recording to mixing and mastering
really shows when you listen to it. The sound explodes from your speakers
and envelops you in a wall of guitars, bass, drums and of course Andrew's
unforgettable voice.

When the album hits the States, you can
expect some to dismiss it as frivolous, while others will take to it like
a bee to honey because it really is a fun album. Maybe that’s what we need
in this day and age, something to take our minds off the seriousness of
life, offer us an entertaining escape from the pressures we face in these
troubled times, getting back to music as a form of entertainment and an
oasis in the desert of what it’s like to live in the early 21st century.
You can’t fault Andrew W.K. for his formula; he knows what he set out to
do and sticks with it to the last note. When he proclaims in the opening
track, “It’s Time to Party”, he means it and delivers on that promise.
So if you are looking for a fun new album to help you get away from the
pressing issues of life, you really can’t do better than “I Get Wet”.
Andrew W.K.'s Official Website to get the lowdown on the album, find out
when you can see Him perform live, watch the "Party Hard" video, listen
to tracks from the album, and learn more about just who Andrew W.K. is!
to sound samples and Purchase "I Get Wet" online