Posted by I W
Posted by
Gonzo: heheh such a silly little 14yr loser.
Nope im 25 Noises, so your wrong there. Not married either but your Mom
doesnt mind. Seems you know an awful lot about Garth and Metallica... you
fall off those band wagons also? And you still havent convinced anyone
just why and how Slipnoise is just the greatest band in the world still,
other than quoting some lame lyric directed at me. And its funny you ans
"What the F(u(ck have a lot in common comparing "ball hair". You 2 "down"
on each other looking at ball hair? I'll give you my address you lame excuse
for a fan, whats your e/mail address and I'll gladly forward it to you
so I can see what a typical fan of slipfag looks like when you show up
at my doorstep to laugh at you. can picture it already, probably some wanna
bee former goth looking 15 yr old, hair long on one side and butch on the
other and dyed black huh? Yeah your a hard ass... ppppttttt yeah right.
Next time you need to talk about ball hair, keep it between you and What
the F(u)ck cause everyone in here doesnt need to hear about your closet
fag fantazies. nice try
Posted by
Gonzo: heheh such a silly little 14yr loser.
Nope im 25 Noises, so your wrong there. Not married either but your Mom
doesnt mind. Seems you know an awful lot about Garth and Metallica... you
fall off those band wagons also? And you still havent convinced anyone
just why and how Slipnoise is just the greatest band in the world still,
other than quoting some lame lyric directed at me. And its funny you ans
"What the F(u(ck have a lot in common comparing "ball hair". You 2 "down"
on each other looking at ball hair? I'll give you my address you lame excuse
for a fan, whats your e/mail address and I'll gladly forward it to you
so I can see what a typical fan of slipfag looks like when you show up
at my doorstep to laugh at you. can picture it already, probably some wanna
bee former goth looking 15 yr old, hair long on one side and butch on the
other and dyed black huh? Yeah your a hard ass... ppppttttt yeah right.
Next time you need to talk about ball hair, keep it between you and What
the F(u)ck cause everyone in here doesnt need to hear about your closet
fag fantazies. nice try
Posted by
People=Sh*t: How can you say that Slipknot is not metal.
What the hell is wrong with you. They are definetly metal, a nu-metal,
but metal nonetheless. If you actually read this interview then you would
know that Jim #4 even admitted that they are metal. But you're right, all
that matters is that they are Slipknot and they kick a$$.
Posted by
JIMEE: Slipknot is not metal. But that does not
mean that's a bad thing. did we care thta they are metal? I don't they
are Slipknot and that's what is impoertant!
Posted by
People=Sh*t: Slipknot is the best metal band out there
today. Nobody else is even close. If you don't like them then go back to
your crap Limp Bizkit. O yea that's right Limp Bizkit is done with because
Wes left. Yea. Maggots rule.
Posted by
death: Gonzo: I do believe that you've insulted
generations of metal lovers. I myself have spent years supporting bands
such as Metallica, Pantera, Machine Head. There is a very simple message
for all those slipknot haters or indeed the Metal Haters: If you don't
like it, don't listen to it. See simple.
Posted by
Death: Claudia: Your quote is from Pantera
Posted by
max: this is really wierd its a site 4 slipknot
fans and u ppl are just slaggin em off y dont u go and find a nice christina
agiulara album and leave the real fans 2 there own stuff but respect 2
the real fans
Posted by
What the F(uck): Right on noises! Gonzo is in denial of
his ball hair falling out, his wife is F(uckin) ugly as S(hit) too!
Posted by
NOISES NOISES PEOPLE MAKE NOISES!!!: Gonzo-(let me elaborate). What kind of
music do you listen to? Afraid to say? Are you an ex Metallica fan, gone
punk rock? Or maybe listening to Garth Brooks makes your panties wet. You
asked why Slipknot is the greatest HARDCORE band to date; here is your
answer. While other bands tend to do make music that is accepted, and "cool"
Slipknot tends to do things there own way. Sure you may say, "What about
GWAR, Kiss, Blah, Blah, Blah," they sang about partying and having fun,
and GWAR's costumes were pretty stupid. Anyway, why dont you hang out at
Garth Brooks websites? Or whatever the F(uck) trend you may be in at this
particular time. Go away old man, nobody wants to read what you have to
say. Why not give me your home address??? Is your hair falling out? Enough
of you, Ill leave with a quote from Slipknot. "Do you wanna feel pain,
takin my name in vain, anybody else got pride, do you wanna take my life.
Maybe Ill reverse my ride, who the f(uck) are you? F(uck) you! Better get
away from me, stay the F(uck) away from me." Hey Gonzo, is that your wife
calling you? shes f(uckin) fat
Posted by
AJ THOMAS: no one compares to Slipknot.There has
never been any music so intense,and motivating.The band members are people
to look up to in f***** up times(everyday)thanx Slipknot
Posted by
mr.slipknot: spit & out!!! yeah!!!
Posted by
mr.slipknot: they are fabolous
Posted by
Basauri85: Seguid asi, sois muy buenos, haber si
os pasais por España mas a ser posible a Bilbao. un saludo para
vosotros y en especial a Jim, el n.4. came here please!!!
Posted by
Wasted Space: what, you people got tired of marylin
manson and now you think slipnot is the greatest? Gonzo is right, you all
are bandwagon trend following kids. Get a life and a clue !!!
Posted by
Unwise: Im not a big fan of slipnot but Gonzo
does have a point
Posted by
francisco: I writing spanish:cuando escribiran canciones
en español y siempre sigan siendo "COOL"
Posted by
satan : JON KRUM is the biggest fag in THE WORLD
got u mums c*ck ps my minons will kill u
Posted by
jon is hated: jon, you are really fuc*ed up
Posted by
What ???? : Jon you Queer !
Posted by
Posted by
Gonzo: Slippuke is hardcore??? hahah ahah now
thats good. Slippuke is about as hardcore as "NOISES NOISES PEOPLE MAKE
NOISES" post! Please you people in here sound about as hard core as little
mindless bandwagon trend following 12-14 yr olds can get! Let me guess,
you "used" to listen to KoRn and now since they suck you've moved on from
your other "LAME" ass band Limp Bizkit to this piece of sh!T ! This band
has about the holding power of maybe 2 years and then you mindless sheep
followers will move onto some other "trendy" band thats popular at the
moment. Your not true fans. You all post like little bytch Backstreet Boys
followers by saying ... oooo the the greatest band in the world and follow
it up with little immature f words every other word yet, I've still have
not seen anyone post just why and how that they are the greatest? Cause
he can drum??? big deal every band has a drummer. Cause they wear masks?
Big deal, Kiss has been doing it for decades and GWAR did it YEARS before
these lame asses did it. Only difference is these lame homos need to do
it to draw attention to themselves over the fact that their music BLOWS
and no one would give them time of day if they didnt have a gimmick! You
know why people come in here and bash you little grown up Nsync former
fans? Cause youre a joke. And "NOISES NOISES PEOPLE MAKE NOISES" yeah this
is "panty waist" music cause its very far from being hardcore. YOu'll wake
up soon when Slipwaste goes mainstream and finally gets radio play and
you'll move on again to some other trendy sh!t you can mindlessly follow
Posted by
slipknothater: you are all "krank" in the brain!!!!
Posted by
Susanne : You're all ill.
Posted by
NOISES NOISES PEOPLE MAKE NOISES!: Anyone flapping their loose p(u)ssy lips
about slipknot, is in denial of Slipknots greatness. This isnt music for
panty waste little b(i)tch boys! F(u)ck you! A word to the wise; dont talk
sh(i)t about SLIPKNOT WHERE OTHER PEOPLE CAN HERE YOU, chances are a real
psychotic fan like me will see your lips moving and, TAKE A BITE OUT OF
Posted by
Preach on Maggot!: I think Gonzo needs to drop his Britney
Spears CD and grow some balls. Anyone that is anti-SLIPKNOT has a problem
with real hardcore bands everywhere.
Posted by
???: Why is this place full of Slipknot haters,
if its at the bottom of an interview page??? Somebody needs to get a life-Gonzo.
Its past your bedtime LUSH!!
Posted by
Posted by
Gonzo: hey remember kiddies, when your done taking
a crap, dont forget to wipe your SLIPKNOT
Posted by
screw you all: Slipgarbage licks the sweat off of Panteras
Posted by
Hey Killer: you piece of sh!t the only props im giving
them is for having the courage to out themselves and announcing that they
are homos. When are you going to quit denying and come out and tell everyone
that your a BUTT PIRATE ?
Posted by
your kidding ??: not only do they SUCK but now their FAGS
also ?
Posted by
THIS WIGGER MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY...: What the f(u)(c)(k) since no one knows
just what the fuk hes even saying. you poser
Posted by
What the f(u)(c)(k): Did anyone invite backdoor boy fans in
here; Know this. SLIPKNOT is the only band that is true to themselves and
their fans. Without SLIPKNOT, mainstream music/mtv would be pumping f(a)(g)(s)with
the same old jigga what what s(h)(i)(t) that they still havent gotten their
fill of. Nobody wants to here, "I like their music, but I'm not a fan.
Ga, ga, goo, goo, mama breast fed me in the ghetto till I was ten!!" If
you dont agree your still in denial. Stay (S)ic Maggots!
Posted by
phonz: they are d best!!1
Posted by
Thug Monkey : Slipknot f*cking rules keep up the work
way to go all f*cking nine of you oh and i luv the new masks
Posted by
David Lozano: Thanks Corey for making such a kick ass
music. Slipknot Rules!!!! Bolivian Magot
Posted by
David Lozano: Thanks Corey for making such a kick ass
music. Slipknot Rules!!!! Bolivian Magot
Posted by
Nate: Im a fan from bolivia and I think tha
Slipknot is the best band in the whole world, Thanks Corey for this kick
ass album.
Posted by
killer: people who write this sh$t r f6U6C6K6I6N
Posted by
told you : see, i knew they were butt pirates !!
fugging queers!
Posted by
hah aha hah: Backstreet ... I mean Slipknot is the
bestest f^*&ing band in the whole wide world! Nsync..err rrr... I mean
Slipknot rules!
Posted by
Rumor has it...: that their in a predominit "gay" San Francisco
magazine talking with Joey and he has quoted in there saying that the group
other than one band member, consists of all gay men. So ladies I'd reconsider
your comments about how bad you want to do what band mate
Posted by
Austin Anderson: Slipknot is the best band in the world!
I really wish that they would make a cd that is only their kick a$$ music.
No lyrics. Just music. I want to see them in concert but I will have to
wait till they come again.
Posted by
Mrs jordison: joey jordison is the best drummer in da
world and the fitest slipknot rule.
Posted by
MarryMeJoey: i love joey and my m8 loves James!!SLIPKNOT
Posted by
No You Got It Wrong: the word "plaguemira" is really just another
word for saying that you have the runs, or the Sh!ts
Posted by
IS IT ME OR..... : does the word plaguemira sound like that
green crusty stuff under the rim of the toliet bowl? Just wondering
Posted by
plaguemira: Im still a Whiney Puzzy 14yr old baby
who thinks is a bad ass. Im really just a tready bandwaqgon follower and
I think Limp Bizkit and Nsync are better then all you fu**ers in here
Posted by
Posted by
Tim: Just wanna say your all nuts. I'm of the
old fashioned philosophy of liking music because I truly like it. So many
of you slipknot fans seem to listen to it to be cool and trendy, saying
sh*t like "SLIPKNOT WILL KICK ANY MUTHERFU*CKERS A$$ES!!" and mindless
drivel like that. Like it you want to, not just cos its the 'cool' thing
to do. All you guys mocking the Slipknot fans are also stupid dumbasses,
let the maggots like what they want and get over yourselves. Personally,
I think Slipknot are pretty good, although I wouldn't call myself a fan.
Some songs are awesome, such as surfacing and Disasterpiece, songs like
People_Sh*t and eeyore sound pretty stupid to me though. I like Tool and
System of a Down much better, but hey, make your own decision and half
of you should SHUT THE F*CK UP!! you know who you are
Posted by
Weasel: Slipknot is going to personally butt-F$ck
every Sh$t talkin W$gger that posts messages against them.
Posted by
BrAnDoN: slipknot is the sh*t...the best metal
band ever...i can't wait to see them live
Posted by
maggot.leinad: I was just at the P.O.A. tour and it kicked
my ass!!sicests thing i've ever been to
Posted by
Dan: slipknot is the best nobody can deny that
not mushroomhead,limp bizkit or other pussy ass bands thats all i got 2
say about that.
Posted by
andrew: you are the best band that ever existed
Posted by
Morticia: Hah, vitun kusipäät ette tajuu
mitään, mä voin sanoo vaikka että haistakaa pitkä
paska ja voi vittu perkele saatana helvetti jumalauta! Okey, now don't
think I'm crazy y'all. Actually all I have to say is that this might sound
really f*ckin' fanatic 'n' all, but Hey Slipknot, please f*ck my brains
out! I mean, I've always had a thing for masks...
Posted by
plaguemira: Us maggots are here to look out for each
other so all you talking trash to my fellow maggots watch your selfs cause
I aint no pussy a$$, YOU LOSER!!
Posted by
plaguemira: Us maggots are here to look out for each
other so all you talking trash to my fellow maggots watch your selfs cause
I aint no pussy a$$, YOU LOSER!!
Posted by
Sickness: you wont belive.i was on my board and
a towny hit me off my board i milled my arm and they f***in kicked me in
the b***s
Posted by
Posted by
sicfreak_07: you are all poser faggot hoes.
Posted by
you loser: yeah your right (sic) MoP.. Slipknot is
sh!T...a big pile of it. Dorks like you that buy this crud is what fills
the pockets of losers with cash to create more cow dung. And I would love
to meet your 14yr old ass anyday to kick it for you being so stupid you
lame ass. You sure act pretty tough in a web site but I bet in person your
a little dweeb who wets his pants if someone yells at him. Phoney mutherfukker
Posted by
(sic) MoP: yeah you tell them plaguemira. hey we
should meet up sometime and we can blow each other!
Posted by
HUH?: nmnl lk mlksm l alg'm 'amgm mhk akmtgkhblrei
oajgm pa,m a agh,hmmlh plsah shkshl s,h;'a ghmhl
Posted by
monik: wenas,si me entendeis pos bien y si no,pos
na,porke no tengo ganas de tradusir,pos a lo k iba,mola un wevo de miko
y teneis k venir mas amenudo por españa si no me voy a kabrear
Posted by
louis: i realy liiiiiiikeee your music so mutch
i wanna thank joey for his so damn good drums. i have the new cd "IOWA"and
i love it it's so damn loud...and i like it
Posted by
plaguemira: Slipknot kicks A$$! and will rock for
ever in your minds. Destroying your f*cking dreams and you cry for your
God B*TCH! All you hating f*ckers can just suck the inner juiceist part
of my a$$hole.
Posted by
eds sanjose jr: make more alternative songs
Posted by
edsmake more alternative songs: make more alternative songs
Posted by
(sic) MoP: SLIPKNOT IS THE SH*T!!! Thats all I gotta
say.. oh and by the way, all of u Slipknot-hating motherf*ckers better
watch ur f*cking mouths cause for the most part, Slipknot fans are some
crazy motherf*ckers (including me) and if I hear you talking trash about
SLipknot, Ill make sh*t out of u! *who cares what these idiots think anyways..
Slipknot is on every front cover of every magazine and hopefully, theyll
remain there for a LONGASS TIME TO COME!
Posted by
SLipcrap: you guys sound like Backstreet Boys fag
followers. OOOOOO Slippuke are the bestest band in the world blah blah
blah... GROW UP
Posted by
Sean: Slipknot r the best band in the world!
mick kicks ass!
Posted by
Posted by
Posted by
Frank : Man oh MAn i just bought their cd IOWA,
i am gald i cam and visited this site becaus i LOVE lipknot i am 13,male.
i checked out all their songs on IOWA,i think my fav's are skin ticket,leftbehind
heritic song and my plaugh and most of all of the CD. i just have to give
props and stuuf to SLIPKNOT!!! Sincerly, Frank.G PS. SLIPKNOT rocks
Posted by
annonymous: Slipknot sucks for the most part. The
only good people in the band are Corey, Mick, and Joey. Those three are
the band. The others just stand around and bang their heads. I mean, don't
get me wrong, they have a kick ass sound, but there are like 6 people up
there that get paid for doing jack crap.
Posted by
nathan: if you don't like slipknot you can suck
my dick. No Habla Espenol kicks ass ! so does slipknot !
Posted by
No Habla Espenol: Blah Blah Blah ... no one understands
you puto
Posted by
Posted by
witd: kuten jo aikasemminkin sanottu eri kielillä
slipknot on ihan helvetin hyvä bändi.. so keep on going.. those
who say that SlipKnot isn`t good, well they haven`t realised what is good
music.. `KNOT play it on!
Posted by
bob: slipknot is the best band
Posted by
6(sic)6: id just like to say keep phuckin sh*t
up guys, you know your a killer band, so go out there and KILL MAGGOTS!
Posted by
chupa mi vegla you puto Corey#8: in other words... you suck Corey
Posted by
_SlipKnoT_ Corey#8: sois los putos reyes y ojala dureis hasta
que os murais, cabrones!!SlipKnoT rules!!!!F*CK YOU ALL!!!
Posted by
SE HABLA ESPANOL : . speak english dummy
Posted by
6(sic)6=faith: Slipknot is the f*cking gods of metal
and no 1 can f*cking touch them.
Posted by
Posted by
sounds to me : like this board is a bunch of little 12-14
year olds who've outgrown Nystink, and Backdoor boys and have upgraded
to Slipjunk. Sh!T upgrade more this band isnt going to be around that much
longer like Nystink and you'll be looking again
Posted by
Grind: Leechmaster is about this not true and
whats true metal iced earth, pantera, soulfly, sepaltura,canniable corpse,six
feet under, thats true metal now don't get me wrong slipknot metal too
but trhere just starting to become hard against the american grain of metal
music and i myself am a big slipknot fan even with MFKR came out
Posted by
Malice: Slipknot is the best band ever!I love
them!slipknot rules!
Posted by
killers: well I saw Slipgarbage in LA and they
SUcked bunghole. They were trashed and booed off the stage. I hope they
never come back and as far as "Iwoa"? I traded it on for something better
cause it blows also. I used to be a fan but now.. fuk them they suck!
Posted by
6(sic)6: I just saw Slipknot in dallas at ozzfest
2001 and all i can say is F*CKING BADA$$, you guys kick a$$, your music
changes me into a different person when i step into that pit....hehe...peace
Posted by
Posted by
UK Metal Fan: Thanks for all your comments - I enjoyed
reading the page. May I separate fact from opinion? Fact: Slipknot are
inventive, heavy, lyrically impressive and great for banging your head
up and down too! If you don't like them that's fine, but to those who post
about pantera, fear factory and like, then proceed to lay into slipknot,
read the interview more closely and you'll see Jim respecting those musicians.
I'm sure slipknot would not be the only 'new metal' (hate that term) band
who recognized the debt they owe to earlier metal bands (those who lit
the torch that slipknot have now taken up). Anyway, respect each others
opinions and the world will be a nicer place. Peace :)
Posted by
joey (out of slipknot): i got tickets to 1in november its gonna
be a mosh pit
Posted by
Posted by
SlipKnot Sk8er 3763: what up, yalls latest cd kix a$$ keep
up wit da sh*t if u can mail me back aight, peace out
Posted by
Jessica: I need some backgroud on Slipknot for
a speech. If anyone has info on their lives email me at
Posted by
Aidan: congrajulations guys on making yet another
totally f**king amazing album, SLIPKNOT F**KIN' RULE!
Posted by
jason: the new lyrics have saved me once more
from doing something stupid "again" ! I almost worked the fries at McDonalds
and instead I worked the grill thanks to Slippuke! Thanks guys!
Posted by
anyone can play what they call downtuning you fag! : that and its all digitalized so playing
three cords really fuzzy and loud is not music "joeywannbefag"
Posted by
joeyjwannabe: if yall stupid a$$es could play like joey
or mick or paul, you wouldn't say some of the stupid s*it that you do.
get your head out of your a$$es and realize this is not just a passing
fad. i originally wasn't going to even listen to slipknot because they
were wearing the masks. but then i decided to actually listen to the music
that they had to play and not just the costumes. there is some real talent
there that you people don't recognize. just listen to the music and don't
concentrate on what they look like. you can't see their faces on the album,
just listen and stop being such judgemental mutherfockers
Posted by
jason: the new lyrics have saved me again from
making another mistake. slipknot is gospel.thank you corey for going through
hell. youve saved me many many f*ck-ups. right on.
Posted by
Nick: u guys rip i love your work slipknot so
keep it up but if u could please email me back at machinehead02@hotmail.comthank
keep it up
Posted by
Sic_Magggot_#8: I just got IOWA. It rules! Keep it up
guys! Stay (sic)!
Posted by
Slayerizer: ok no name man im not gonna sit here and
bash slipknot. i actually like them. but i will tell u one thing. fear
factory fags? for your information if it wasnt for bands like fear factory
and slayer slipknot wouldnt exist. dont take my word for it. look in their
interviews and magazine arcticles and etc. when u call us fear factory
fags u call slipknot the same. chew on that f*cker.
Posted by
Anthrax: ummm Boo Boo I was just making fun of
the avgerage slipcrap posts that the losers down below post. If you feel
you need to us the Fuk word every other word to make a point just shows
how immature you really are. Second, if you think Slipcrap controls the
way you think, then your no worse than those religous fanatics who sue
artists right and left saying that their music caused their kids to kill
and or commit suicide. Third, if your going to bash me with "Big Words"
that you dont even know the meaning of, at least look it up and learn to
spell them before posting them, for it makes you look like a 14 year old
bandwagon trend following sheep. Is Boo and Kris you and your boyfriends
names together ? How High Schoolish, grow up and come back and post when
you have something intellegent to say and can form sentences
Posted by
Boo and Kris: I'll be very intellectual anthrax. You
are an absolutely pathetic imbocile. I love slipknot and they are more
than you are in the scheme of things. when you can control peoples way
of thinking like those guys can then you can judge them.
Posted by
Anthrax: fukken see fuk fuk and fuk and you can
fuk fuk all of you and fuk fuk me and you all and fuk fuk. sounds like
a typical slipcrap fan! slipcrap fukken sucks
Posted by
Leechmaster: Ok mr no name person i hope u dont call
urself a metal fan. cause slipknot is not troo metal and fear factory is
metal to the bone.
Posted by
............: all i got to say is it dont get better
than slipknot so f*ck all you fear factory fag*ots that say otherwise cough
leech master cough i see that f@g finally left well i got to say i am the
original fan i even have the bottlegged studip version from way the hell
Posted by
twiggy666: this is not the real twiggy but that is
what people call and slipknot kick a$$ so fuk you if you have a problem
with that slipknots mask are cool
satan rules 666
Posted by
You Dumb Ass ! : thanks for the e/mail addy,
Im sure you'll be getting a ton of mail now!
Posted by
Bandwagon fag: as just another sic f*ckin' maggot stated
"I used to listen to KoRn" and now his current trend is Slipcrap. Whats
next when they get old... Limp Bizit? what a loser
Posted by
666: SLIpKNot!!!! u guy fu*kin rock a*s fu*k
u guys are so fu*kin bad sorry for the banck out its fu*kin sucks but ummm
good job on iowa and keep it upp U GUY FU*KIN ROCK A*s
Posted by
(SiC) Fan from the begining: hey, i'm sick of all these people jumpin
on the bandwagon cause "the masks are cool" they don't know the real truth
behind SlipKnoT. all the true fans, including myself, were there on the
first day the self-titled came out. greatest day ever. f*ck all of the
poser rap/rock fans.
Posted by
Psychokiller666s xgurlfriend: Psycho killer 666, theres no way u can
put bruises on ne ones as$ when u get errections in less than 5 minutes!
and plus ur penis is only 3 inches at max length! so stop being a little
poser or ill chop off ur little whinky when ur sleeping and take a sh!t
on ur slipknot cds. ps leechmaster is awsome in bed and his dick is more
than 3 times ur dick size!
Posted by
Leechmaster: So as max of soulfly would say: "grow
tha f*ck up u waste." bumbklaatt little b!tch boy!!!!
Posted by
Leechmaster: i bet u listen to all that fag blink182
sh!t and offspring and all that skater wannabe bull. real metal fan there
let me tell ya.
Posted by
Leechmaster: Ok this is a forum discussing music not
stating ur sexual fantasies psycho faget 666. so u think ur some kinda
metal fan? i bet u havent even heard of pantera or sepultura or nothingface.
real f**ken metal there!
Posted by
Leechmaster: Ok this is a forum discussing music not
stating ur sexual fantasies psycho faget 666. so u think ur some kinda
metal fan?
Posted by
just another sic f*ckin' maggot: by the way, 'a metal fan', right the f*ck
Posted by
just another sic f*ckin' maggot: about 4 years ago, i heard korn: follow
the leader for the first time. I was like" these guys are f*ckin cool"
. For the longest time, they were my favorite sh@t to headbang to. In the
summer of 1999 while doin' community service work, i was in AVEntertainment
at the mall i was at and heard Wait and Bleed, like most people it was
the first Slipknot song i heard. I imediatly bought the C.D. and put it
in my walkman. The second SIC started playing, one phrase kept repeating
over and over in my head ... "It's about f*ckin' time." Ever since i have
not bought anything having to do with korn, and slipknot has become an
idol, a religion, a f*cking way of life for me. Im sure as f*ck not tryin
to compare slipknot and korn, because they are totally f*ckin' different
(plus slipknot's way better) but to all u freaks who think slipknot is
a trend, or listen to one song and say "i cant hear what he's sayin, they
suck', or say that they're not heavy enough (wtf?), SLIPKNOT IS NOT A F*CKING
TREND, its a gþdd/\mn revolution and it has tattooed the f*uckin'
Earth, it has changed metal and will continue to change metal, but its
always going to be f*cking metal. Slipknot f*ckin rules, and they're going
to continue ruling for a very long time. If u dont like that, please send
your comments or concerns to any maggot on the planet, and they will gladly
take u out of your whining existence, and put u out of ur misery. Ur all
f*cked and overrated and its about time u learned the meaning of the word
SIC, f*ckers. MaGGoT CorPs FoREvEr
Posted by
SelfDestruct: Well f*#k all you f*#king people who think
slipknot suck. They f*#kin rule. Could you write lyrics like theirs? I
bet you guys have perfect little lives, you don't understand. Why bother
commenting on the band if you don't like them? And the f*#kin person person
who wrote bout "14 yr old nsync fans" (and i know thats not what you meant)...what,
do you think you're all mature and sh!t, well, judging from the heaps of
f*#kin sheep sh!t you wrote, you're nuttin but a f*#king a$$wipe trying
to sound all that. Slipknot is like religion, you don't diss it just coz
you're not into it, like i don't diss my christian freinds coz they believe
in some dude floating in the don't f*#kin diss slipknot just coz
they're not your thing. No one gives a f*#k if you'd prefer to listen to
boy bands, us slipknotters will get you into rehab, don't fret! Slipknot
don't need a gimik to sell records, i heard their music and loved them,
and thats before i knew anything about them, so SUCK IT!! What you're saying
anyway, sounds like its been rehearsed round the school playground a few
hundred times. Those of you little c0*ksuckers who don't like slipknot
can f*#kin lick me. No one here gives a f*#k what you gotta say bout slipknot
if your dissin them...f*#kin grow up a for any
abusive emails or whatever...check yas!
Posted by
P.: "And just so we can get this out of the
way, ladies, we can put the ten foot poll away for this one. He’s a keeper
. . . if you know what I mean." I know he's a keeper. He's very much taken
too ;)
Posted by
Evil Icarus: erm....if you dont like Slipknot why post
here? What is the point of telling people that you have never met (and
proably never will) that you hate SlipKnot? no one cares wether you think
they suck!? and its not going to make any difference by using the word
"Fu*k every other word either. grow up
Posted by
"Psycho Killer 666": Hey leechmaster, tell your girlfriend
that she left her anal beads over at my house! , and tell your mom to get
her panties out of my bedroom, because they're startin to piss me off.
Everytime she comes over she makes me put on SLIPKNOT mask while I'm bangin
her from behind. She was tellin me the other day that you were masturbating
with baby oil, listening to the back street boys. I told her that's probably
not an abnormal thing for a faggot to be doin. P.S. Tell your dad that
I'm sorry for puttin those bruises on your mom's ass!
Posted by
Chris Kirk: Slipknot r the best band ever
Posted by
impromto: Hrm. I have never read a so much crap
in my life. First off, let's try to be not so 12 and avoid using any profanity
when expressing opinions. Second, you need to look at music straight at
the talent aspect. Nobody cares what anybody's opinion is, state facts
and people will listen. Slipknot's percussionists (did I spell that right?)
are excellent. It's great to see a band not use the standard drum set.
Lyricly, Corey is fantastic. I have heard many bands say "F*ck you" but
none of them can ever find a synonym for the word "f*ck." Slipknot has
proven otherwise. Anyways, before you go bad mouthing a band, look at them
from a diferent perception. Eric Clapton is a f*cking great guitar player,
but do I care to listen to his music. Not really.
Posted by
MaGGot Of ThE KnOt: Slipknot F$&kin rock. Check out a
mad slipknot site at
Posted by
SphericalApparatus: WTF is wrong with everybody and criticizing
their opinion. If they don't like a band doesn't mean anything... It's
just that they may not like the music. I sure that no one here likes every
type of music, and every band and whatever.
Posted by
in other words....: we suck major ass ! thanks for wasting
your money- Slipknot
Posted by
keko: son los putos amos tio!!! la voz del pavo
es la hostia me molaria verles la cara algun dia...
Posted by
TerminalSiCness: F*ckin Gently owns my ass right now.,.,.,
When am I going to get to meet this f*cking band?
Posted by
Leechmaster: hey psycho killer 666. u obviously didnt
read wat i said right after "i dont care wat u people think of me." i said
i like music like sepultura, pantera fear factory, and so on. if u say
those bands are crazy town sh!t u obviously are the pussy here cause u
cant handle that heavy of music b!tcha$$ little trendy poser. that music
is a hell of alot more than this trend they call slipknot is. and cannibal
rights, nu metal is in no way sepultura or pantera or any of them bands.
but if it werent for them their wouldnt be any new metal bands thats for
Posted by
Fred: I'd say something, but I'm listening to
slipknot right now and I'm speechless. I don't know how to describe their's so surreal and emotions converted into sound.
Posted by
SphericalApparatus: I think slipknot it a friggin' awesome
metal band and all. I love their first cd. But someone wrote that slipknot
is the best progressive metal band. So I'll just say that I think that
Tool is the best progressive metal band. But that's just my opinion and
Posted by
Tom from cardiff wales (uk): iowa rules i love it. one of the best
songs on the album has 2 be people=sh*t.i hope u will keep the good heavy
style of music coming.ONE MORE TIME MOTHER-F**KER
Posted by
Psycho Killer 666: I think SLIPKNOT is the ultimate metal
band! Leechmaster is a pussy, I think he is the one who is trendy, he is
probably smokin a dick right now listening to crazytown or some other pussy
band. Lechmaster is a PUSSY!
Posted by
metallica7: hahahhah no shyt no shyt !
Posted by
HUH?: sLiPKiLL what the fukk are you "trying"
to say? You little 14yr olds are worse than Nsync fans. OOOOOO Slipcrap
rulz the world "Cuz" they are so kwel and they rule "cuz" their the best
so thats why they rulz. hahahha your too funny. I've yet to hear a valid
arguement just how Slipcrap rules and why. And I mean musicly not cause
they wear mask not for the fact that their ugly, but for the fact their
music sucks and they need a gimick to get a fan base and sell records!
Posted by
metallica7: thank you Cannibal_Rights you've summed
it up perfectly
Posted by
sLiPKiLL: whats is my fu@kin comment bouts slipknot
well first they rock and rulz and they are Gods cuz man fu@k they are the
best eva and eva and always will be and those rap asses and Fred Dick fans
cuz wake the fu#k up and listern to the pain the real music is SLIPKNOT,and
IWOA album rocks.And all those slipknot fans rocks to.
Posted by
ThecrazyBast@rd: SLIPKNOT ROCKS!
Posted by
New Aortion: I can not put into words how great slipknot
is. Iowa is f*ckin awsome and anyone whos got a problem with slipknot can
f*ck off!
Posted by
Ty - Stick: IOWA is the greatest album!Better than
the first!Screw the people who say Slipknot is poser metal.People=Sh*t!
Posted by
?????????????: u guys kick lots of ass, just keep on
blowin us away
Posted by
Cannibal_Rights: "fear factory, slayer, sepultura, soulfly,
pantera" sorry bud, but those are the bands that are responsible for Nu-metal,
no offence I love Pantera, but do you know what their first album was like
?, if anything they took the heavy music trend to sell more records as
hair metal was starting to die... Slipknot do something for me that no
other band does, I can't describe that feeling or expect non Slipknot fans
to understand, but I'm not going to deny it because Slipknot is getting
a horribly trendy fan base, Slipknot are a perfect example of a great band
getting their dignity hurt by the media. Music is a reaction from your
heart, not your mind... whatever band you feel like this is fine, and you
don't have to justify liking anything to anyone. But anyway, argueing about
music is pointless... so why do it?
Posted by
slipknotdude: slipknot is the ruling band in the world
iowa blows u away if u h8 them i doubt u have ever heard a song they wear
their masks 2 stay confidential they don`t want 2 get harrased on the streets
neway their masks rule and all of them rule in their source of music let
the (sic)ness continue
Posted by
chil: let me outline something slipknot r the
best band ever thats all u have to know
Posted by
Jonathan Davis is a God: Iowa blew me away and Slipknot are definatly
here to stay.
Posted by
Shyt Snot Sucks: how can you even say these guys are good
? Their as trendy as the backstreet boys and will be around about as long...
another month!
Posted by
RanmaSolo: What's with the pointless bickering? "Slipknot
sucks!" "Slipknot rulz!" Blah blah blah. I like Slipknot. Only One, [sic],
Eyeless, Disasterpiece, Skin Ticket and Heretic Anthem are some of my favorite
songs. But I also like just about every other band mentioned on this page
so far. Pantera to Slayer to System of a Down to even those mainstream
media b*tches Limp Bizkit. (Wes is cool but f*ck Fred Durst.) It's music
people! Turn it up or turn it off, just shut the f*ck up about what "sucks"
and what "rulz." If you wanna have a civilized debate about the finer points
of Slipknot's music, great. But mindless squabbling from people who hate
the Knot and FANS OF THE KNOT alike is just more sh*t polluting a society
and world too full of it all ready. In other words, we don't need your
garbage! Keep it for yourself. Keep it in your elitist "underground" cave
and keep it in your preppy, sell out "crib," but just keep it. And while
you're at it, shove it too you sheep. Think for yourself, like what you
want to like and f*ck everything else!
Posted by
yudy: slipknot is brutal band
Posted by
numetalhed: I've only gotten deep into metal recently,
but know enough to appreciate slipknot. I'm down with the standard sh$t
and can say that slip is on the same level as any other band out today,
if not on a higher level. Anybody who would take the time to listen to
this bands albums, and still not give any fu@kin' props is obviously afraid
of change. (In my opinion of course.) Get it fu@kers!!!
Posted by
Slayerizer: Leechmaster, i wouldnt say something like
slipknot is like that. i agree that they arent a slayer but their pretty
Posted by
Leechmaster: dsfjkl;sahgl;adsghads
Posted by
Leechmaster: Slipknot is not a band for metalheads
its a band for posers and skaters. their too trendy to be a pantera or
slayer and theyll never be as good as them.
Posted by
my_name_is_jesse: Slipknot is the only metal band that maters
anymore to me.
Posted by
Chris Cummins: All right, I'm only 10 but I think slipknot
f**king rule! I've got the album Slipknot, but should I get Iowa or should
I get Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP (just remember I AADDOORR Metal
Music and havn't actually heard much of Eminem)? Send messages to
Posted by
A REAL FAN: That new album iowa really rules i mean
for the heavier music but also for all the lyrics that to my opinion really
rules. It was my second favourrite band putting children of bodom first
but now with iowa it came first. Slipknot attitude rule
Posted by
Leechmaster: pooki moomba on the chinese chicken on
the dingel appel nezxt to the go go gadget on the bannana patach go pluky.
Posted by
Posted by
Posted by
JIp: slipknot rules. slipknot and the ninja
Posted by
TheSolution: I think that people need to quit bitchin
if u dont like slipknot or system of a down i really dont care and your
opinion doesnt matter to me since u must not no what good music is but
yes i hate when ppl put they like slipknot and like papa roach and stuff
they've surpassed those kind of bands. dont be a cack i dont need u to
write on here that sliknot r posers what the f**k yes that makes total
sense.....ha slipknot rules